Saturday, October 21, 2017

Third Franciscan Order? OK.

A friend came for dinner again last night. A devout Christian she tells of her journey to find the right religious fit for her, she has traveled many miles and tried many faiths/churches from Catholic to Baptist.

She has settled on a combination of Catholic, Methodist and Lutheran. She was raised Dutch Reformed. In these conversations with each of her ministers they enjoy the lively debate she has about religion in general and has developed a close friendship with each.

In our conversation, laughter, and inquisitive exchanges about religions, she said she was told she was a Third Order Franciscan by the priest she highly admires.  I asked, "How is that? what does this mean? Where do you go to church for that?" She wears a cross around her neck that was given to her by the priest. (The picture below is the silver cross she wears)

She told us it is not somewhere it is who you are.  We both said,"Never heard of that..."  She then explained that Sweetheart and I are Third Order Franciscans. Now I am I really curious, I lean in. "How's that?"

She said, "You both love nature, you both love animals, you both love people, you live by a high moral standard, you would not cheat another person. You are Third Order Franciscan!"

Great just when I'm getting extremely comfortable with being the good hearted, kind, human being I am, now I have to research Third Order Franciscan. This will be fun, off on another adventure of learning, I will decide if I am a Third Franciscan Order and sweetheart will decide if he is...we'll let you know.

No, we cannot be the Third Franciscan Order, it's against our religion to join any religion.  We are sure to disappoint and be labeled "Sinners."  And that we cannot abide! Thanks for the invite thought!

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