Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Universe Depends on Expansion Through the Inexperience of the Youth

Today I thought about all the things I have tried, adventures I have had, places I have visited, because it seem like fun at the time. When as an elder I look back and see how some things were so dangerous I can't believe I tried that!  I see that my youth was carefree and I never thought of dying. I did not have a death wish when I went spelunking for the first time, I did not have a death wish when I went skydiving for the first time and I did not have a death wish when I climbed Cascade Mountain last year, yet I did these things because I had no knowledge of the danger or fear I might face while doing these activities.  I had another check off the bucket list.  I learned.

Each generation goes through discoveries of everyday activities as if they alone are seeing this for the first time and through their eyes we elders may see things from another angle we did not see before. Looking at life through another lens can cause expansion of knowledge, both good and bad, but expansion. 

Youth thinks of new things and invents, or tries to improve what is here. I welcome this.

In Montreal we were heading up to our room on the 11th floor. There were young adults (25ish) in the elevator with us and they were laughing and having a good time.  They pressed the number for their floor, 5, and said to Sweetheart and me, "You better be glad you are not on this floor, we are going to party tonight and you may not like the noise."

I replied with a wink, "We were young once too."
They, "Hey, then come on down and join us later?"
Me: "No thanks, those days are past."
The young woman got off the elevator and Sweetheart heard her say, "I like her response."

A soft clean bed, cool night air from the window, Sweetheart by my side, that is a party to me now. My God it was fun to be young...and it is fun to be this age here now.
Life is good and we are thankful.

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