Monday, October 16, 2017

If You Live with A Giving Spirit You will Help Others, and Others will Help You

Sweetheart and I are happy to give of our abundance, our time, and money to help anyone.  I decided long ago to stop giving my money to charities or churches unless I am personally assured the money will go to what I want.  The government has been taking our tax money and spending it in areas I do not want it spent for too long and it is not in my power to guide this, but my personal donations I do have power over.

The last couple of decades I take joy in helping someone in front of me at a pizza parlor, or Walmart, etc. pay for something they can't afford. Recently a young teen wanted a tiara and her mother said, "No. We don't need that, I'm not spending money on that."  I asked her mother would it be ok for me to buy it for her daughter? She said."Yes, thank you." I got a kiss from the teen girl.

Today my husband went into one of his client's and a receptionist needed a mouse and keyboard.  He overheard and went to his car and got a new mouse and keyboard to give to her.  We both like to see first hand that our money goes to help real people.

The joy of giving to others is something we both have done our entire lives, it just feels right. I'm sure many of you that read this blog give to others too. Matter of fact, I have seen many people give freely to others in my everyday experiences. There are many good, giving, spirits among us.  Share your giving spirit experience, so we can be thankful for more people like you and me.

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