Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Virtue of Patience Pays

Standing patiently in line today at the DMV I met another person standing patiently in line. I took notice of her patience and told her I use to bring a book when visiting the DMV but now I have my phone.  She told me of how she has much patience because she has 4 children under the age of eight, I think. Anyway I know she is a busy young mother. A patient mother is a real gift to children

She related a story of how she needed a new screen for her phone and showed up at Verizon with $200 in her hand (The costs this repair would normally be) and had to wait a very long time. She was the last customer for the day, the employees thanked her for her patience and she replied, "It's ok you are busy and it's not your fault." They, because of her kind answer, patient virtue, appreciated it so much that they gave her a new phone for free. Something a mother of 4 really appreciated!

I also have experienced this many times.  Being understanding and patiently pleasant to service men working on my car, this has gotten me discounts and even some free work.  Kindness does pay but you never know when it will pay, so I practice this always never expecting anything in return.  As a result, I have gotten many things for free.  People like to give to those that are patient and kind to them.

Life is easier when you chillax and other people will appreciate it. Do you have an incidence when you got something for free when you were patiently kind? Share your story, I love these happy stories.  If you don't have a story, try it, patient virtue every day for a month, I know in one month's time, you will get something for free. The universe is full of friendly giving people.

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