Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Good Friend, Good Witch

I made her some chocolate cupcakes and gave her a call...she loves chocolate cupcakes.
There is a dear new friend, a writer that I made a point to get in contact with and she has turned into a true treasure. She has written for the local paper for 60 plus years. My mother-in-law enjoyed her light hearted columns about the area the Hudson River which she calls "MY River."  She sits by the river often and marvels at the beauty of it. She tries to write about her river and invites anyone to enjoy it too.

She (30 years older than me) and I talk for hours about life and how we see it, how we have experienced it and though we have very different experiences, we come to the same conclusions as everyone will when wisdom opens your eyes.  It is wonderful to be young but it is wonderful to have years of experiences under your hat that clears the cobwebs of confusion away.

In the end we all see we want the same things, love, peace, enough money to live, enough fun to pass the years, enough laughter to get us through hard times, and enough knowledge to share with one another, we learn many new things from each other.  I love elders.

She kiddingly calls herself the Swamp Witch.  Kids don't go to her house as she lives on the end of a dead end road and her house is usually dark.  Her son thinks kids are afraid of her, she stays to herself mostly. He told her she reminds him of the song by Jim Stafford, "Hattie the Swamp Witch." For October as I was making myself some new fall wreaths, I thought it would be fun to make her a wreath with Hattie the Swamp Witch on it, I did and she LOVES it. 

She is a dear. She wants to meet my husband, she says she has heard of him since her son use to hang out with him as a teenager and heard he was a nice guy.  I said, "Yes, he is, the best guy, the love of my life."   She said,"that's good, my husband was the love of my life too. It is good to hear." So we we're having dinner here soon with my Sweetheart so she can meet him.

Swamp witch? Hardly! She is a lovely lady that loves cats and her albino skunk. That is one skunk I would like to see!

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