Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Honesty is the Best Policy or is it?

How often do we say, "Well to be perfectly honest with you..."

What are we doing the rest of the time? Lying?

How about we are honest all the time with a positive outlook?

Quite frankly, and to be perfectly honest with you, if you are a negative ninny, I don't care to listen to your ongoing negative outlook on life.  I do not need anyone else to help me get negative, I can do that all by myself.

We turned off cablevision, turned off the news, and stay off social media the majority of the day. A huge improvement in our attitudes. I will choose to be joyful, I'm sliding down the other side of 50, not much time left to be happy. (And I will be happy, I choose it)

I practice meditation and do with Byron Katie, it is so healing to me. Honesty with a positive spin is so refreshing, don't you agree? What do you do every day to stay positive in this crazy world?

Have I said too much?

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