Saturday, October 14, 2017

Paula Poundstone Empty Plastic Pepsi Bottle, Say that Fast 10 Times

Sweetheart and  I went to see my favorite comedian last night, Paula Poundstone. Sweetheart likes Jerry Seinfeld and what we notice about both  of these is they are CLEAN comics.  I think you can tell a lot about someone's favorite comedian by who they choose.  I like many, many, comedians but the ones I believe are the most talented are the ones who speak about their own lives from their funny perspective and not joke, put down, or gossip about others AND do NOT make graphic descriptions about any bodily function. 

Poundstone has from the  beginning of her career made me laugh out loud about life and the funny things we all do living it best we can.  Her heart for kindness, loving all people, and really caring has shown through in her act always.  I do believe I have seen more of her live shows than any other comedian.  Rachel Feinstein and Ryan Hamilton are two upcoming new comedians that are clean and extremely funny as well. Check these out on YouTube and yes these two come to the capital district from time to time and yes we have seen them live.

It's so easy to come in the front door of a theater, find your seat, laugh at the show and leave, content. But last night I felt, we are all getting older, even Paula, and we have followed her career and life for 38 years, I wanted to wait around to get her autograph and speak with her again.  I did not hurry, I did not care to be first in line so we hung near the wall across from her table set up to sign her new book and cds for her fans.  I knew she would entertain as she talked to each person and share a laugh and she did.  As I stood there I silently sent loving thoughts and good white light to her.  I have often thought, "When I meet a celebrity, I have nothing to talk to them about.  We live different lives and although we are ONE, we travel different paths. Outside of the theater, we have nothing in common, no reason to hang out together. And although she professes she has no social life, I know she has a much more active social life than us.  We are real loners by choice."

She revealed from stage her discovery of the damage social media, smooth computers, have done to her son and suggested everyone read the book,  Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras.  She is a mother first, she loves her three children mightily.  She is committed to helping all her children like all good mothers and in this we had a connection outside the stage.

When we were the last to step up to her table we talked about her great talent and how we have enjoyed it for 38 years and will always go see her, and we talked about our children and the concern we have for their well being.  I knew I liked this woman.  Now I know why I like her even more, she is a single working mother by choice.  She adopted those children because she wanted to love them and give them a home, she did not adopt them for PR reasons, she really wanted to make a difference in their lives and now facing problems  like all of us she has a mission to help them.  She is visiting authors, researchers, doctors, gathering information and sharing it from her platform to warn other parents to be careful with your children, these social medias are set up to brainwash our children and control their thoughts.

As parents we need to teach children our points of human decency and respect for each other and the world to have peace.  If we don't limit time on the electronic devices and take the time to spend time outdoors doing activities that teach them to explore the world on their own and find peace in being in nature we are doing the next generation a disservice.

Thinking for yourself, being strong about being positive about life and other people even though we have differing views is the way to unite us all, put down gossip, weapons of destruction, words that hurt innocence. We don't need to agree about everything but we need to agree to listen and then disagree without threats and violence.

Oh yeah, Paula had a Pepsi bottle she sipped on throughout the performance on stage and she had it at the signing desk.  She finished the last sip just before we stepped up to speak with her, after, I asked her if i could have her empty plastic pepsi bottle for my shadow box she laughed and said, "Yes."

Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.

And Paula, Love the Loonie Tunes Zoot suits and shoes! But most of all I love you. Namaste.

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