Friday, December 8, 2017

How is inner peace found? How do I to keep it?

Curly in "City Slickers" movie says. "Life is "One Thing." You must find that one thing.  For me life is finding inner peace as I had lost hope to find it in the world long ago. Fortunately my seeking has found much. For me:
Inner peace comes in knowing life is perfect just as it is, the hard times, the good times, all for our learning pleasure.  

"Life lives you, you might as well let it." ~ Byron Katie

Byron Katie's latest book A Mind At Home with Itself  is so thought provoking and deep, if I were not a student, I would toss it out.  So deep, beyond my normal thinking and comprehension. Had to give me some breathing space after first half, had to go away from this and come back for another deep dive into consciousness after a long break.

I know the lesson will be worth the effort to study or I would not continue.  Eckhart Tolle another favorite of mine... thinking and writing again today.

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