Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Meditation, So Many Different Teachings How to Do It

If you study the different ways to meditate you will find, some say meditation is the absence of thought.  Another says, there is no way to not think, you must strive to not think by telling yourself, thinking and get back to not thinking again and again till you are still in your mind.  Another monk teaches meditation is every moment of every day in everything you do as long as you are present. Byron Katie teaches to try to repress thoughts is not natural, of course you will think that is why she teaches the 4 questions and turn it around to do work with your mind to control your emotions.

Transcendental meditation teaches to work up to 30 minutes or an hour twice a day. The more the better. Most people believe to meditate every day is good and so they stay quiet in their mind for 10 minutes each morning and that is enough.  Prayer is a kind of meditation.  Whatever we choose, I think the point is to go inside, get still and release creative thoughts that produce new ideas.

What I find is whatever you do, is the right meditation for you.  If we get caught up in every monk or guru as having the right way then all others are wrong.  What we pick for ourselves is the right one. A meditation can be as simple as:

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