Monday, December 4, 2017

"I do, I do, I do, and would "I do" again, knowing you even better"

I'm taking an online course on writing. I love online courses to learn anything, started taking these in college and enjoyed the convenience of being at home while going to class. This writing class brings up good insight.

In this class the teacher says, "Writers are born that way."

She goes on to explain the curiosity of a writer, the observance of people, their conversations, their expressions both verbally and physically, to be a writer is to take in everything surrounding anything observed.

Sweetheart and I were discussing this and he said,"That is you exactly. The details you remember about situations you encounter, the way you observe others and their actions has always amazed me. You seem to be able to predict what a person will do next, at times you tell me, and I actually see it come to pass. Yep you are a writer."

The whirlwind of my mind I see, now,is normal.  The characters that live in my mind are waiting to be expressed and only then can I let them go.  I get it, I see it, now to write it. I realize I do what I do, observance of others, for writing.

My husband is so black and white, and I am so rainbow, I asked him,"How can you stand my in depth analyzation of myself, situations and you, to understand what makes me and others tick?"

He said,"If I were married to a black and white like me, it would be fatal.  The marriage probably would not last. You make life so interesting coming from a new direction every day. You make me think about things I never would without you sparking the interest. And I love you, just the way you are, through good times and bad times, I like going through life with you."

"I love you too Sweetheart, the person who holds the string to the heart of this helium balloon of imagination, me."

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