Monday, December 11, 2017

You Will Drive Yourself Crazy Getting Emotional about All the Problems of This World

Focus. It is hard to focus when anyone gets pulled into to every crises in the world. It is impossible to make a difference when your emotions are all over the next injustice. Sure we care but pick one. Devote yourself to making a difference in that one cause. Study that cause in depth so you can speak with your own true facts not facts spoon-fed to you.  Then calm down knowing you are NOT the only "savior" in the world.  Many people have focus and are studying to make the world better, they are actually devoting their entire being to their cause.  These make a real difference in their focus.

Otherwise you will be unhappy and scattered in heart and brain.  Just something older people have come to see, focus first on you and yours, the world will do the same. Remember others have heart and caring too. Life can be much simpler and fun when you make peace within yourself and choose one thing.  To focus on everything is to end up doing nothing of value.

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