Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Truth is a Smile Can Change the World

When I was a Girl Scout leader, the "Brownies" had a song, 'Smile in My Pocket.'  To smile without ill will in your heart is what children do best.  Children do not have emotional baggage yet, they are sweet and kind by nature, all children, boys and girls.  What happens in childhood and adolescence can damage that innocence and make an adult bitter or if it was a fun childhood it can make a child happy and excited. 

If your life was not happy, you have to find that innocence again and heal yourself. You can do it, I did it, but it takes daily concerted effort.  I was born with a turned down mouth, (I've decided it is a generational thing) I was asked constantly in high school, "What are you mad about?"  Maybe I was mad at my life sometimes, but I consciously decided to smile often so my face would reveal what I was really feeling, happy in my mind. It worked, people stopped asking me to "smile."

Now I give a smile away every single day to every person I meet, well almost every person.  What I do know is that the smallest distance between two people is a smile.  Many people smile back at me, the world is friendlier than I knew.

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