Friday, December 29, 2017

Wisdom Comes from Time

Many things I have discovered in my years of experiences and seeking inner peace on this earth are true for everyone that seeks inner peace, so many roads to the top of the mountain, my road is one way, not the only way.  Having said this I write. 

I do give reference to any person I learn something that clarifies a point to me.  All people are teachers and I am a student of life.  I do not know how I found this woman Lisa Nichols however she is very articulate in expressing her own lessons in life and what she did to achieve her success. First like me, she had no mentors in her family or friends so she read books, lots of them, me too.

She has made a roadmap of her journey for us if we choose to follow.  I choose to think about her lessons and see where I can apply any of her lessons for further clarity. I'm buying her book Abundance Now  which she says is her greatest legacy.  If it means that much to her it must have nuggets for me and anyone that chooses to read it. I became interested in Lisa Nichols from some YouTube interviews she gave.  Before I buy anyone's book I listen to their philosophy to see if it resonates with me, only then will I look further. 

A simple knowledge she shared is one worth repeating, "Hurt people, hurt people.  Sad people make others sad.  Misery loves company." 

Relationship with family members is a lifetime relationship and if you can repair a broken family relationship, it is good to do but you cannot repair that family relationship until you are not broken anymore. Go, heal yourself and come back to heal others if they are open to it. No need to preach/convince/ or convert. not my job to save anyone but myself. 

Bottom line the people you surround yourself with influence you.  You want to be happy and abundant?  Hang out where happy and abundant people hang.  Lisa Nichols had to find them in seminars of wealth and motivational seminars. She attended one seminar 42 times and when she finally had the light bulb of understanding open her mind to abundant living she became a speaker at the same seminar.

She tells of knowing many wealthy people who are lonely.  Lonely because they are surrounded with people who want something from them.  Abundant living to her means in every area you are over flowing with success and friendship.  She coaches people to this abundance in every area.

She speaks of something her grandmother told her when she was little, her grandmother taught, "Your conviction and your convenience don't live on the same street."  Meaning if you are willing to be inconvenienced your conviction  (your passion) is possible.

Now if your life is perfect and cozy, go with that, but if you are interrupted in your mind of what more you can be and know there is more to life than what you are living now then and only then will you look for a deeper meaning or greater change for you.

To say my mind is interrupted is a small statement, for I have been interrupted in my mind since I was eight years old and began to think for myself.  This one act was not allowed in my house and my disagreements brought much disapproval and harsh judgments upon me, first, from family members  and eventually outside the home in church and school.  Because of wanting a different life, one that was positive in nature and uplifting, I had to leave home.  It was clear my parents gave up on their dreams years before I was born and I was not ready to give up, I just got here, I had to move far away.

Thank goodness Lisa Nichols encourages leaving people behind that criticise your dreams and don't believe in you.  This is paramount to finding yourself.  Rock bottom is where many begin to look for another way.  I felt as if I was born in the rock bottom of my parent's life experiences.  Parents had resigned themselves to their perceived failures and I was not going to subscribe to that thinking.

Lisa Nichols may be dyslexic but she was captain of the cheerleading squad, she was a track star, she got into college and claims her loving supportive family was so nice to come home to, I did not have such a family. 

So when she says she had big dreams but no one to guide her there and she set out on her own to learn the abundant life, I understand. When she says "Life is lonely setting out to change into something her family had not experienced" I know the path well too.  One fundamental ritual she is sure of is one I learned too, being grateful for everything you have now brings more into your life. The abundant life...seems like I started out with a Bible class called, "Power for Abundant Living" when I was 14 years old.  I rode that doctrine for 14 years and when I learned all I needed there, I left and continued to learn more, more, more. 

Life has many roads and I know the one I am on now may not be the one I am on a year from now, 5 years from now but I know to get to the next connecting experience of my desired goal this road will lead me to the right road in time.  Patience and waiting with thankfulness knowing "all is well and all will be well," I am where I am supposed to be to become the person I want to become.  Knowledge is good but time, life on earth brings wisdom youth cannot know. I love having geriatric friends, they know so much more than me. If you have a friend that is twenty years older than you, and will take their time to talk with you, pull up a chair, you will learn much. Thankful for "The Swamp Witch.

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