Tuesday, December 5, 2017

No one likes to be preached at, not even kids...

Listening to the teacher in The Masterclass writing course teaching writing, she reminds writers not to preach.  I thought about this many years ago and I realize when anyone starts preaching to me, I tune out, you have lost my attention.  You also have lost my interest in you or what you have to say that might be of benefit to me.  I also do not care what you think of me, all I think of you is, "Next. Moving on."

I know to raise small children you must set a schedule, be an example, teach basics, and I know they learn more by your actions not only with them but their father, their mother, other family members and friends that visit your house and the friends' house they visit. They actually believe you more than any church teachings preached to them. They watch you or whoever is their "main caretaker" to learn how to behave and what views to hold true.

As soon as I read or listen to someone telling me what I should and should not do, I think and move away.  We all have a brain, we all have a conscious when we are young, (it can become unconscious when older) that knows right from wrong, and feels for the weaker, the animal, the underdog.  I try to remind myself when writing this blog and speaking to people.  I preface my opinion if not asked, with "This is none of my business, (Because it is not) but that dog is known to bite strangers, just wanted to warn you before you try to pet him. However it is your choice, your life."

This segway gives my protective instinct a vent with an open door for you to choose to do as you please. Fortunately I let people live without my opinion mostly.  I have known one thing for years and that is people in general are good and there are many ways to get to the top of the same mountain.  My way is just one way.  Yours can be just as effective and good.

The "should" and "should nots" in any comment raises a red flag to my ears.  Maybe I should and maybe I should not but that is my decision not yours. I will have one of those delicious "Preacher Cookies" please and thank you, since you made them. Yummy! 

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