Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Step One, Get Rid of TV, Select Only Sources You Trust To Be Informed/Aware

We stopped cable TV almost a year ago, and we have more meaningful conversations. TV is a distraction, commercials and news are controlled by people with an undisclosed agenda, always has been, nothing new here.  If the media (commercial or news) can get you to "fear" anything whether it is a disease, a person, an environmental disaster, a pharmaceutical, another country, another leader, then you can be sold on any remedy the government/retailer/world leader wants you to buy, including their protection or solution.

Better think for yourself. You can. You were born to think and then act.  As long as any of us are caught up in sensual pleasure or luxury, we have no need to think and act in a way to change the world. I am so encouraged by many, many, people that are waking up without violence to continue the political and social movements Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and The Dalai Lama began.  The first two may have been assassinated by brutal ignorance but this is not the future. The Chinese government are trying to rid the world of the true Dalai Lama by creating/brainwashing their own "Dalai Lama for China" leader.  Thankful to have known the 14th in my life and have heard him speak in person and on you tube.  You can too.

Glad to be here, glad to be free, glad to have a voice. The simple act of kindness everyday is a stand against tyranny.  Time to dismantle the Federal Reserve Bank, bank locally.  Do not bank with national owned banks: Chase, Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo, choose employee credit unions instead.

As far as pharmaceuticals? Eat organic, demand to be a NO GMO country.  If government won't provide it, take your health and food into to your own hands. Be aware and eat accordingly. For freedom's sake do not get a chip put in your body for tracking.  Even if it is promoted as a way to conveniently buy something, by waving your wrist over a magnetic device, (in case you forget your wallet at home that day), don't get it.  No one needs to know that much about you.

We all are beginning to see and stand up, speak up, and my goodness the voice of the collective aware ones is beginning to bring morally good change.  The heart of my stand is right here in the USA. The last frontier for freedom is our minds. 

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