Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Bigger Government Controls, the Smaller the Privileges of the Average Citizen

Can't help but write about the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore.  The government decided there was not enough revenue generated in Singapore. Tourist used it as a stop over port rather than a destination.  So the government built a hotel that houses 2,500 rooms with an infinity pool the size of three olympic pools on top as the main attraction.  This hotel costs 3 and one half billion of the tax payers money and is to bring in as much over a ten year period.

160,000 pieces of clothing for staff that has to be perfectly fitted every day.  Valet parks 200 cars an hour and these are luxury cars.  There is another casino that generates 70% of the money and the hotel guests have money to burn. Not your average citizens.  This hotel employs 98% Chinese and only 1-2% local Singapore people. The locals and the staff cannot afford a car because in Singapore you must pay the government $50,000 for a certificate to drive for ten years and this is BEFORE you are "allowed" to purchase a car.  The hotel boasts of the most high end eco-friendly conservation of energy and water in a country that has low water reserves. Who cares if it is eco-friendly if you are creating a need to use more of the sparse water already there for something that is not needed, this hotel? Millions of guests? For what?

More money for the Chinese government.  This model may be working but it is killing individual freedom.  The staff is stressed as their jobs are based on their continued performance of perfection. Special Forces officers run the various departments, the one in charge of the cars valet is an American SF man.  Geesh! The head butler is a Chinese Special Force Officer.  Precision in war to defend the innocents is one thing but to run a hotel that caters to the elite of the world and leaves average citizens to walk and take public transportation without choice because they are poor is morally unequal or fair.  This China government is not a model to emulate.

Say what you will about this country but it is still available for the rags to riches person to rise with much work, discipline, ingenuity and confidence here the USA. Look  at Oprah Winfrey, look at John Denver, at least you have an opportunity here, immigrants come here for a reason and once again I see why. Say what you will but we can still get a license to drive here just by passing a driver's Ed class and paying minimum for the license.  We can get an affordable car here as well.

Thank you America for the individual rights and opportunity here in the USA. Deregulation of the government is paramount for the survival of individual freedom of the average citizen.  USA is not perfect but with leaders with a heart for the people in time it will be the best place to live.

The difference between USA politicians that make careers out of their positions and pass laws in the night to give themselves private health care options and raises with perks of travel expenses are no different than the Chinese government holding the individuals back from driving or owning a car. The egos of politicians that think that they are the elite thinkers, only they can "do what is best for all the citizens of the USA" is ridiculous and must be curtailed.

The only way for anyone to rise up is to think for yourself, create your own inner peace, and live on your own peaceful terms. Today we can do that in this country, I don't know about the future.

One thing is for sure, I am NEVER going to complain about standing/sitting in line at the DMV again!

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