Thursday, December 21, 2017

You Live, You Die, Thoughts About Others

Sweetheart and I were listening to a comedian talk about how violent thoughts cross his mind periodically but it is his sanity that keeps him from acting.  I think this is true for all of us.  Have you ever thought you know I could do a harmful act to that person or thing and no one would ever know? But your love for life and the life of the other person stops you from taking any action to do it? This self preservation instinct extends to all life for the unconfused mind.

The mind is the one sane control panel for our body.  But the instinct to care and be kind to one another is born in all of us.  Makes you wonder how far off course a person's mind has to go to consider killing as an option for any problem.  Everyday we go through our lives, living, walking, driving, talking, working with others we just see in passing and we can never know what the other person is truly thinking.  There may be people we each may think would make the world a better place if they were not here anymore, but who do we think we are?  What egos we have, to think we know who is worthy to live and who is unworthy and should die.  Every life serves a purpose whether we know that purpose or not.

Personally I don't have anyone that I think should not be here anymore.  Time takes care of that whether we like it or not, eventually we all die.  I do not buy the reasoning for any human to use the "after all we are just mammals" as the excuse for bad human behavior that takes advantage of another or preys on innocence.  Just because animals do it does NOT make it ok for humans to. For humans to look to animal behavior for all our behaviors with no consciousness of the outcome to another is insane.

The control of your actions that originates in your mind is our advantage over the animal world, if we use it. Seems simple but so many are missing the basic point. How do I know we are missing it? Look at the results in the world.  Use that as your compass and find your way back home to kindness and love.

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