Saturday, December 16, 2017

"Do Not Try To Save the World" by Jaya Ramachandran fellow B-Schooler

"Do not try to save the World!

 "Most of us, especially the ones who want to help others through their business or job, go into thinking that they have to somehow save the world.
You see the pain in others, you see the suffering, you can feel how they feel and your heart goes out to them.
You want to put them and their needs first, you want to somehow help them out of their pain.
If you can’t help them, you kind of beat yourself up for not being able to convince them because it is your ‘job’ to help them.
Cut yourself some slack..will you?
It is not your responsibility to save the world.
It is no one’s responsibility to save the world.
The world 'could' change with one person.
But the way to go there is not by trying to help everyone but yourself.
The only way to change anything.... go into yourself first.
Understand what you truly ‘want’.
Satisfy your needs first!
Does that sound selfish?
How about, you trying to help you kind of feel good?
Is that thinking about yourself? Yes, it is.
Most random acts, when it comes from a place of desperation or being needy to prove your worth or to feel good…is in a way being selfish, unconsciously.
So how about making this act of being selfish..conscious.
How about you get extremely clear about what you want, why you want it and how to actually achieve them? Not having to prove that you are indeed thinking of others.
How about saving yourself first before you set out on a task to save others.
When you start filling your cup, something unexpected happens.
You actually start getting bored of it after a while.
Because just valuing your needs alone, kind of gets old.
Now, you actually want to share your joy with others.
Meaning, you want to give without any expectation.
No desperation, no neediness, no trying to prove that you are good enough.
Without even realizing, you are gravitating to being the person that you are truly meant to be.
The Leader in you awakens!
Your authenticity and truth awaken others as well!
Now, you are truly saving the world, one person at a time!!!

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