Wednesday, December 6, 2017


In my travels today to the Bronx, I stopped to eat at a familiar restaurant, TGIF.  The people I see in here and the situations I observed were not familiar to my reality. The host that seated me was a young man that talked about spending last night at the hospital with his sick cousin, he was tired but had to come to work today. The waitress, a beautiful woman with long purple nails that matched her purple lipstick perfectly, looked glamorous. She intends to go back to college. (She is 31 with an associate's degree in criminal justice, I meet a lot of people that have this degree) She wants to get into social work and psychology, she wants to know what makes people tick. (Sounds very familiar to me) Presently she is thinking of modeling to make extra money, and sent out pictures to a modeling agency. She just received an email her for an interview. I do believe she will do well in modeling, she has got the looks.

City life is vastly different from the country silence we live. Sweetheart and I have a little world carved out in comfort on the Hudson River that we do not venture far from. Once when we were younger we did travel a lot but now we settle into a home we built for our family. Another older age, on our journey in this house.

We walk the driveway daily year round usually and we talk. Tonight it was raining and we walk. In the darkness the feeling of the cool mist on my face and my arms, reminds me of when I was a child and loved to walk in the rain. Sweetheart is bundled up, cold again. And I'm wearing a short bath robe with shoulders and neck exposed, I'm hot again, in an upstate N.Y. December. Could we be anymore different?  Somehow we make it work.

We talk about our day, our businesses, what more we want to invent, discover, and do.  Rarely is there an disagreement anymore, we know each other so well.  We rid the house of cable TV, the silence of the night country air is brought inside now.  We concentrate on business and clients and new ideas. I thought about the people in the Bronx, I wondered if any of them felt the same peace living there as I do living here?

My thought, "They probably do. They probably love the bustle of the city and their life as much as I love solitude and silence. Anyway we all live the life we live until we don't. (Sounds so BK)  Change can only be made when I decide to change it.  It is the same for every person. To sit and think and write, to walk in the rain at night, sounds like heaven to me. And so I live..."

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