Saturday, December 2, 2017

I'll let you know when you make the decisions!

We have to get a urine sample from cat number 2, Moke, Moke, for some tests the vet is having on him.

Locked in the downstairs bathroom for the night, we were able to get the feces sample this morning, but no urine. GRRRRR! I don't want to make time for this. I put #2 cat back in the bathroom.

So cat #1, Daniel, the white cat, king of the house, sees a mouse on the deck, dead. Moke Moke killed it last night before coming in and left it for breakfast.  Oh no charisse, #1 cat says .,"That one is mine! You snooze you lose Moke!" So we let #1 cat out he is eating Moke Moke's mouse.

Moke Moke is still in the bathroom meowling, he has had enough! he does not want to be confined to that bathroom anymore.  "Let me out! Let me out! I hear you two in the kitchen now!" He continues to meow very loudly and continuously.

Me the MOM: "No, not until you pee pee for me. Drink the fish water Dad made for you and pee, then I will let you out Sweetie."

Moke Moke: "I do not have to pee, I do not want to stay in here, let me out!"  He continues to meow very loudly and rapidly but me the nurse mom, says to self, "I hate to go against Moke's wishes but I have to get his sample. If I let him out he may go in the litter box without the special non-absorbent litter the vet gave me or he may dart outside and go there.  I do not want to chase him all weekend for this sample. So he is staying in there."

Sweetheart says: "That cat is bothering, can we keep Daniel outside and let Moke Moke stay inside but out of the bathroom?"

Me: "I can't let Moke Moke eat anymore, the food absorbs too much water in him and he will never pee. If Daniel comes in we'll have to open the door to the downstairs litter box or he may go to potty up here. Can't let Moke Moke downstairs."

Sweetheart: "Then we will take up the food and leave #1 cat outside. He's eating Moke's mouse anyway, he'll be Ok."

Me: "Ok."

That fresh #2 cat Moke Moke is let out by his cat Daddy and as he runs by me, sticks out his tongue at me and  says, "See, I got out! Dad likes me!"

Now #1 cat is up on the glass pawing to get in.  Pawing, pawing, pawing, now caterwauling loudly and annoyingly.  I ignore as I write and he continues to get louder, louder, and now I hear cat paws screeching down the glass door he is peering in as he yells,"What's up mom?  I always get in when I beg and paw. Don't tell me you don't see me too, it's a glass door! Let me in, I've had breakfast and it's cold out here!"

Sweetheart says, "Can't we let Daniel in?  Let's take up all the food and I'll keep fish water away from Daniel #1 cat. I'll close the basement door so no cat can go down to that litter box, Daniel will ask me when he has to go there, then I'll let him downstairs, and if Moke Moke asks, I'll make him go into the downstairs bathroom where the special litter box is located. Ok?"

So Sweetheart lets Daniel in, as Daniel runs by me he shouts, "What? You actually did not get up and let me in? I had to wait for Dad to let me in?  I'm #1 cat! I run this house!  What madness is this?"

Daniel to me: "Let's not talk about this, and let's not let this happen again Mom!  I'll let you know when you make the decisions! The very idea! Not letting me in, making me beg! Who do you think you are?"

Both cats go into Sweetheart's office and find a cozy spot, curl up and go to sleep near him. Yeah Mom's the bad guy again.

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