Friday, December 1, 2017

Georgia, Georgia on my mind...

Today I met another immigrant. This lady from the country, Georgia. She is about 45 y o. Once again another immigrant has come to the country knowing no one, with a sack full of dreams and some money she has saved to start a better life here for herself. She knows how to make "fine wine" and plans to make a successful business of it. First task, get some steady work to have some income here, next find a house to rent with a big basement to make her wine. She has been here a month.

For my American mind, this brings up many "legal" questions. Health department to approve the making of wine in a rented house? Business license to operate a wine business? You know as an American born and raised, you live here and know the challenges of starting and making a business is hard, smart, work. I could have said, "Good day" and left, but the conversation I had with another immigrant friend yesterday made me feel the need to warn her of the dangers in America so I did.

My friend yesterday, told me that she was sold a bill of goods about America, and America did not live up to her expectations. She thought people were punished for their crimes here fairly, she learned blacks suffer more here because of racism, and wealthy perps suffer least. She thought this was a land of opportunity and because she did not learn how to prosper financially here, taxes so high, this is a lie too. She thought men did not cheat on their "one wife" here, she sees cheaters everywhere all the way up to the POTUS. In her mind this country was supposed to be the Utopia of the world. She sees the current president ruling like a dictator of a third world country and nothing good coming from it. Her innocence has proved this country is bad and one day she hopes to return to Africa.

Personally I have always known there is no Utopia on this earth, later as an adult I learned the only Utopia in this life is in the controlling of your own mind. You need to learn everything you can about how to have financial prosperity here and act on it in the USA or it will elude you. The opportunity is here, you have to work hard and learn fast. You have to learn "How to own and Run A Profitable Business." My husband and I are still learning about this as we too are trying to navigate the waters of success to live our own American dream. Being an employee will not see the dream, being employee is a stepping stone to getting there. The dream takes much more smart decisions and risks. Being an employee will never take you to the big dream. One must read a lot of books and try a lot of things, and yes fail a few times.

So I took a moment longer with the Georgia Girl. I found she reads English but she is learning to speak it. She understands,(So she said) english contracts and laws here. She is a wiz on the computer but had never heard of an online business. I suggested she learn how to have an online business, she is interested in learning. I have one resource for her to get started.

I told her, “Life is not easy here. There are Americans that will take advantage of you if you are not careful. Be wise. Do not go anywhere with a man alone, or meet a man alone anywhere, as a woman here alone you must protect yourself. Getting a business started here is very hard work and you can make it but you may not, it is completely up to you. This country is wonderful but it is not perfect, people are not perfect. Take care. I can give you some resources but I will not do your work for you. I do not have the time. Give me your email I will send you some info that you seek to get you started."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me, "I pray and pray to God to help me here in the USA and I meet you today. You are sent by God for me and I thank you."

Personally I believe we are all sent by God to help one another.

I told her I was glad she came here, and wish her much success. (My God she is brave, I would not go to Georgia if you paid me to make a new life, I love the USA with all of its flaws.) She left two kids, one 22 and the other 26 back in Georgia. Both are married and have families, she says they are grown and don't need her anymore. She has no husband. I don't know the rest of her story but in time I know she will tell me because I listen.

I had a rose in a Kombucha bottle in my car that I carry to enjoy as I drive, a flower gift I received from yesterday. She told me she had a birthday November 2, I gave her my portable rose and vase, wished her "Happy Birthday." She smiled, hugged me, and thanked God for meeting me.

I meet immigrants coming here every week for a better life in my travels. I see the stars in their eyes. I do know she can find a better life here if she learns to be thankful and work hard. That is how we all find peace here on earth, in our mind.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."

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