Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I Met An Old Acquaintance Today, She Said, We Both Got What We Wanted

I have not spoken with her for maybe 30 years, she knew me when I went to church and taught the Bible... and that ended before we had babies.  Back then she wanted a house full of children, and she being a beautician wanted a girl baby, she had two divorces and three boys.

To catch up, she is married to husband #3, she has 9 grandbabies, 6 boys and three girls.  With the sons' wives, her oldest is 50, her house is full of babies, laughter and noise, just like she wanted.  She cooks fabulously, she decorates and dresses in style, very classy chick at 70.  She had her own business in her home, a beautician, she did hair, etc. at her house for 40 years, financially independent she provided for her boys when exes did not.  She was and is a beautiful woman.

She asked about me, my Sweetheart and our three children.  I told her they all grew up, were educated, went in the military, and are living life on their terms.  I told her we raised our children to be free of family obligation and if they should choose not to have children that was their choice.  I wanted them to be free to travel and do what they want, I told them children are expensive and can really hold you down. You have to be ready for that life, once the children come, careers, education, go on the back burner.  Taking care of your own children at home comes first.  No daycare for babies.  As of now they don't have children and marriage is not on the top of the list for the boys although our daughter is married.  She was surprised that there are no grandbabies but agrees you have to let children live their own lives, they do anyway.  She agrees totally about taking care of your children at home especially when they are preschoolers. That is why she had a business at home.

She told me she talks to her eldest son every day and the others once a week or so... I told her weeks and months go by and I do not talk to all of mine but that is our house.  Independent grown kids, living their life without checking in with Mom and Dad is our idea of adulthood.  It may not be acceptable for others but then we are not living other lives we are living our own and it is working for us.

She said,"Well we both got what we wanted" and she is so right. Thankful for our lives and children, thankful we are living the life we dreamed about long ago.

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