Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mr. Fred Rogers is as Wise any Stoic from Centuries Ago"

A dear friend of many years gave me a book The World According to Mr. Rogers, (Important Things to Remember) by Fred Rogers. She knows how much I value children and their well being, she is the same and that is why we are BFF.  The "Foreward" of the book is written by his wife Joanne Rogers and speaks to the purity of this man's love for people, life, and children. Her love for him, his work, and their marriage is a testimony of his remarkable life.  Whenever your spouse sings your praises, you know you are doing something right.

So I have decided to share Mr. Rogers wisdom from his book from time to time, he is no longer with us but some of us will always remember that kind adult in a red sweater who taught us and took us on field trips that schools and family may not have, love the trip to the crayola factory. Thank you Mr. Rogers!

A quote from his book:

"Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends.  It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love. Like all of life's important coping skills, the ability to forgive and the capacity to let go of resentments most likely take root very early in our lives."

~Fred Rogers

"And what we are not taught at home we learn ourselves later if we seek to learn." 
           ~ The Quail Writer

A US postage stamp of Mr. Rogers is due out March 23, 2018, I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

"Just in General, England We Really Don't Care"

I was laughing today listening to "Comedians Getting Coffee" with Jerry Seinfeld show when he made a statement that is harmless but I bet if the general public said this we would be called, politically incorrect or insensitive. Jerry said, "Americans look at England as a kind of curio shop, we are not that interested in England."

Since childhood I have seen the country of England and its division between royal, commoners and thought "This is ridiculous."  I'm so glad to be a United States citizen where there are no royals or commoners.  Hollywood's media likes to pretend Hollywood has royalty but it does not and every real American knows it.  Royalty and longevity are not synonymous. Royalty and billionaire are not synonymous in this country.  It is just family history.

The royal family don't really do anything, the parliament and prime minister handle political affairs, yet I have met people from England that take so much pride in "their royals" that a tear comes to their eye at times thinking of them.  England is fun to watch with their ceremonies if there is nothing to do that day. The colorful changing of the guards and ceremonial rituals can be entertaining.

I wonder how much longer the English are going to have the royal family before that tradition is eradicated?  We thank them for their service and development of the world history but it is time to retire.  No need to post their doings in American magazines and news headlines. Frankly most Americans are not concerned about them or any celebrity having babies, we have a life of our own thank you.

I'm just sayin'...Thankful to be in a country that promotes individual freedom and equality. My ancestors came from England and Ireland but I'm beginning to think that the English kicked my Irish side out of the country and sent us here a while ago.  Details, water over the bridge...I know we are not perfect but we have only been here 241 years, give us time we will get it right. I believe in the USA.

We are all royals here.

Monday, January 29, 2018

My New Addiction, "Wood Carvers"

We took cable vision tv out of our house last February and we have not missed anything except repetitive negative fear news.  As a pastime we have youtube and Netflix hooked up.  The documentaries on Netflix are really educational and it is no secret I love outdoor series like Wild Alaska and my latest addiction Master Carvers by Pioneer Log Homes.

If you have ever carved wood you can relate to the conversation of these master carvers of log art.  I first carved wood at the Helderberg Workshop as an assistant teacher to a wood carver. My teacher, Dick lived in New Baltimore and served on the county commision in Ravena, and in the summer he taught wood carving to children at the HW.  Our three kids went there to learn sundry organic activities for many summers, I went along as an assistant to be near them.

Being an artist I enjoy venturing into any area of art and wood was fascinating.  I did cut myself quite a few times but with practice I became pretty good.  Learning to carve wood takes patience, all art takes patience to learn.  Dick carved Rip Van Winkle, Gnomes, walking sticks with animal heads or Indian designs and he spoke of the wood speaking to you.  As I begin to find my own pieces of wood to carve I saw the wood does speak to you.  It tells you what it wants to become and suddenly the design pops out ot your eyes and you carve. I carved a few walking sticks and I have a couple of Dick's walking sticks too.  One walking stick I carved I gave as a wedding gift to a friend and her husband, they both liked to hike.  In the divorce he told her she could have everything, he just wanted that walking stick I carved! (The head of the stick was a groom wearing a black tuxedo and top hat.)

And like all art when you make a mistake or a wood knot shows up as you carve into the wood only to find it destroys your original idea if you continue to work with it even the mistake can become a masterpiece. Art is like that, very forgiving and when you let your imagination fly with confidence that it will work out, it does in time.

Combining my love of natural media, wood, the art of carving animals especially wolf, bear, moose, eagle, this new series has become an addiction I love!  The finished pieces make me appreciate the talent, the creativity, the years of practice to become a master, so much it moves my spirit with such joy.  Art.  I love it.

Now I'm putting into the universe I want a full size carved male moose with beautiful antlers for my front yard. And let's not forget the rustic big log gazebo fire pit, be still my heart!

Thankful to find such great shows as "Master Carvers." I always wanted to see how these were made and now everyone can on Netflix.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


The trees outside our house are dead or dying and must come down, one by one every snowstorm, ice, and wind nature is taking another one down. So far the trees are falling in the right direction away from house and cars.

The ones that fall on the driveway Sweetheart has managed to saw, chop, chainsaw and move to the side so our cars can drive through. Today being warm he decided to help a few more fall in the right direction by capturing a limb with a string shot from an arrow then feed it back to himself and run a rope up there to wrap around the branch. The plan was to tie the rope around the tree and pull it in the direction away from the driveway as he chainsaws the bottom.

Several archer attempts proved fruitless. Next a rock duct taped on to the string to be hurles like David of the Goliath story. Quickly he learned he had not been herding sheep long enough to hit Goliath between the eyes for that fatal blow so with one last "Fu** it, and a throw" it hit its mark and the threading of the heavier rope began.

Sure enough the rope wrapped and tied around yonder tree while he got his chainsaw and me, to pull the tree in the correct direction he started the chainsaw up. Rev, rev, rev, rev, and the saw was off...then I heard it suddenly quit.

I knew in an instant, because I know Sweetheart well that a safety tip crossed his mind and he would have to share before continuing.  Sure enough he put hi safety glasses on top of his head and made his way silently into the brambles, 40 feet away where I was standing, faithfully holding the rope as he asked previously, ready to pull when the rope tightened, and he spoke.  I said, "Did you think of a safety tip to tell me?"

He, "Yes. You can pull out towards the south if you want. It will accomplish the same thing and may be easier for you."

Me, "Ok."

So I waited as he went back through the brambles to the targeted tree and began to chainsaw the tree. Funny but you do not realize how a chainsaw cut to the bottom of the tree would cause a very slight vibration to the rope in my hand. So instead of pulling towards me I let my entire weight fall to the south as I played, "Trust" with gravity, trusting the tree and earth would soften my fall, and it did.

Down came the tree and just as quick he marked another one as I coiled the rope up around my shoulder and left hand between the thumb and pointer.

Everyday is an adventure with this man, you never know what you will be doing when he gets another idea in his head. And we call this living peacefully together, we call this fun, just hanging out maintaining the property and house.

Nature my church, patience, my specialty.


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Joey Anderson Played Jazz Piano

Have you ever heard a child prodigy play an instrument?  These musicians do come to the capital district periodically and we were interested in seeing this one because my Sweetheart loves jazz music. He has been listening since his teens.

Joey was accompanied by a master bass player and a master drummer.

What a polished performance! The three really worked together well. The bass player and the drummer would look over at Joey and smile and wink from time to time. We wondered how he found these musicians to form the trio. One thing I continue to notice in successful people is a happy countenance and upbeat visage.

Joey born in Bali had parents that were supportive and when they realized his talent, closed their business and moved to NYC to help him develop his career.  Whenever I read about a child that makes it to the stage his family is extremely supportive.

What a wonderful thing to have supportive parents that believe in you.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

American Zeitgeist

A friend reports reading a local paper that stated the American Zeitgeist is to be overworked, underpaid, depressed, and hopeless. Does not seem we know much about being happy or do we?

Again more and more people are coming into awareness, more than ever before people are realizing fighting and war are not the answer and yet seek another way. We seek and we will find.

I found my inner peace through these two sages, Eckhart Tolle and with Byron Katie. You look and you will find yours too.

"If peace is to be, it must begin with me."

I believe the American Zeitgeist is approaching inner peace more now than ever before, when we turn off the social and TV media. All news is exaggerated and negative, we are more than this but we must learn to think for ourselves.

"Zeit" comes from the German word 'time' and "geist" means 'spirit.'

Thankful to be in the best time of my life, in control of my thoughts more and more... and I'm happy.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fibonacci & The Golden Ratio

Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones.  Example: 1,1,2,3,8,5,13,21,34,55,89,144...

In nature scientists noticed the sequence and patterns of leaves and veins in a leaf. The study extended to skeletons of animals, branches of the nerves, veins, and sea shells. Interesting to notice in nature.
The numbers that repeated noticeably were 1:618.

Science Journal reported the golden ratio is present in the atomic scale in the magnetic spins of the cobalt niobate crystals I don't know what this is either you can GTS.  However I understand the study to explore the ratio in connection with everything would intrigued some individuals.

Psychologist have tested the theory that the golden ratio has a role in human perception of beauty, we prefer symmetry.  This is non conclusive research.  No kidding,   Men like females, all of them, regardless of shape size or symmetry, that is my science experience. ;)

Henna art and sand paintings done by Buddhist monks have the golden ratio in it.

Why am I mentioning this today?

Sweetheart has a new invention that is simply amazing. Being the computer mind and geek that I adore, he loves symmetry.  He is thinking of incorporating the "Fibonacci sequence and ratio" to his product design for a more pleasing feel of his invention for his customers.

Me I would just wing it, and go with it. Sweetheart has to make rhyme and reason of everything for his mind to feel comfort and ease. However, I see where he is going with this design and I love it. Excited to live with a "Newton Gimmick" inventor. He loves living with a artist. Both quirky and temperamental, we enjoy our life together. Thankful the universe brought us together.

"Getting married is the easy part, staying married is the hard part." ~LMS


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

~Day 21~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Enjoy Your Life & Give to Others"

There are many roads to the top of the mountain of inner peace.  Find yours and make the climb soon and quickly. It is worth it. At the top you can look back and smile because you overcame many obstacles in your mind, you set yourself free and now life is exciting, moving forward with your wonderful peaceful self.

**Daily discipline to bring your mind under your peaceful control is your key.  

Now 'you decide' where to give to others of your time, money, wisdom, and "kind words."

**Find an organization that you can "volunteer" your time and share your talents. 
     (Especially one that teaches children)

The rewards of giving to others are too numerous to mention.

There is a thankful thought at the closing of each of the 21 Day Activities, go back through, decide which ones you like and write your own list. Think on this list every morning and night.

Believe nothing I have shared unless it resonates with you. You have the ability to decide what you need, you were born with it. Believe in yourself, I do.

"When you discover all happiness is inside you, the wanting and needing are over and life gets very exciting. ~Byron Katie

Thankful to live this wonderful life with my own inner peace for many years. You can too. Thankful for you. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

~Day 20~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Take Care of YOU"

Habits of eating and drinking caffeine, sugar and alcohol beverages, seem benign on the surface but in reality these are affecting our moods and how we think.

Science proves exercise affords pleasurable chemicals to be released into the brain and to give feelings of happiness.

*Today, YOU do your own research to discover your path to eating healthier naturally today and decide to change one thing to become healthier in mind and body today.

I have met many people with deadly diseases that turned their diagnosis around through vegetable juicing daily and clean eating. One thing I did was buy a juicer for my house. 

The problem for most of us because we are not dying physically and we are not in enough pain, we do not want to address our eating  and drinking habits.  We are comfortable so why change?

Outside maintenance is necessary to promote a healthy body and live among others without causing offence.
* brush your teeth once a day
* wash your hands throughout each day
* take a bath once a week
* wash your hair and clothes once a week

Clean eating helps inside maintenance to think clearly, make good decisions more often, access the peaceful response instead of react to negative situations in anger.

The truth is a peaceful mind will cause clarity and begin to activate the desire to eat and live clean. The mind is the most powerful organ in our body.

In my journey of inner peace, a promise I made to myself many decades ago, I have come to see the less confusion I have in my mind, the less clutter I want in my environment.  The less fear I have about being present, the less fear I have about owning things. The more being kind comes easily. (Clean eating helped)

**Thankful to know, I am the universe in motion now on earth, I can take care of me.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

~Day 19~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Watch Your Thoughts"

Old Chinese proverb:

*This knowing of how to control your thoughts is not new, nothing I have shared is new, the fact that you were not taught this is not new either.  We cannot receive anything we do not know is available, I did not know these things.

I searched to know how to rid myself of repetitive negative judgments of myself and others because I wanted to be free of my mental pain and to be calm inside. I searched until I found remedies that worked for me. You will find yours if you want to, when you are ready. I recommend you begin the work today, to be peaceful and happy for the rest of your life.

Thoughts and words that imply violence, sarcasm that puts down another, words that make fun of violent acts, threats to another's safety, jokes made at another's expense, and rude selfish behaviors, are harmful to the world.  If peace is to be, let it begin with me.

We cannot prevent or stop others from speaking and doing these, but we can stop ourselves.

We can set boundaries and choose what kind of people we let into our inner circle of influence.  It is true the people you associate with the most have influence on you, choose positive, upbeat, prosperous, associations.  When you have these "good" influences in your life look to see how you can be to them the same positive upbeat, prosperous, influence.

Once you know, really know who you are inside, kind, giving, prosperous, you do not fear life, selfish anger subsides.  You begin to know you really are enough, you have enough, and the world is a friendly place, no need to be afraid anymore, you know your boundaries, you respect others.

You begin to see how to influence others in a positive way for positive changes.  Fighting is useless.

Thankful to find the path to inner peace is shorter than I knew before.

**Acceptance of "what is." This is the shortest path to peace. Now begin with daily thankfulness."

You are on your way to inner peace.  Too simple isn't it? It is true. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

~Day 18~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Still Bitter? Understand This..."

The anger I had as a child turned into bitterness as an adult.  This bitterness was heavy to carry in my mind yet I carried it until one day a good friend shared with me that the past was over and I needed to put this burden down because the people that caused the hurt were not losing one wink over the hurt caused to me.  This was true, no one in my family contacted me once I left home. No one wrote me, called me, no one asked where I was, and it was as if the family were content to be free of me.

I wrote them every 6 months or more to let them know my whereabouts but no answer came to me in the mail, no phone call. I stayed in touch out of respect for my family but in reality the same respect was not shown me. It was as it always was from childhood.

I began this road to recovery of how to rid myself of the bitterness that was on my mind through daily reading and practicing the activities I have shared in the 21 day exercise. I know these work because they worked for me.  I was a hard core case but in time I gave myself peace of mind.

I chose not to go home or visit for many years, it was the best decision I made while I was discovering how to transcend my anger and become happy. It is hard to restart your mind when you are around a negative home environment and negative conversations.

One thing I have always loved is people in general.  The world is full of generous giving people and many have helped me along my way and that is why I know strangers will help you if you ask too.

*Today decide you have carried this burden too long. You do not have to suffer for years, you can decide to let anger leave now.  Your life is too precious to waste another moment on it.  

What do you need to do to be relieved of the anger you hold inside?  If you need to leave family, do it. When you are healed and ready to go home someday, be present without resentment, then you can return home, but save yourself first. Only you know what you need to do for yourself. When will you save yourself?

**Now think of the family that hurt you and find it in your heart to feel happy for them.  Write down things you know they have or enjoy and feel happy for them.  This part was easy for me.

Remember they have untold stories of hurt too.

I love people to have what they need and want. I always celebrated others' success.

Thankful for the roof over my head, the food on the table, and clothes provided by the family while I was growing up.  Thankful to grow up and be able to move away to find inner peace.

Friday, January 19, 2018

~Day 17~ of "21 Day family Appreciation & Peace"

"Laughter Comes Easily Now"

Once I had gained the clarity of my mind about hurt and being hurt I quickly learned the power of laughter. Once I learned I was enough and I could supply my needs, the confidence and kindness to family was formed.  I did not need them to accept me, I did.

*Today I ask you to find on YouTube comical movies, comedy routines, or comediennes that make you laugh out loud. The kind of laugh you cannot hold back.  If there is a comedy, a comedienne of situation comedy that is so ridiculous that you laugh, watch it on youtube or buy it to keep close at home.

**Write jokes that make you laugh and keep them in your pocket.  Read them when stressed and let go of the anxiety of the moment.  If you do this often you will win back the control of your mind and the hurt will release you.

This is another clue to get yourself out of the repetitive negative thinking about the "hurt" until you are ready to let go of it. Only you can set yourself free from hurt, only you.

Thankful to choose laughter over pain to feel peace.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

~Day 16~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Music Heals the Heart"

*Today put a music list together that makes you calm and happy about life as it is now.

Make a playlist of songs that make you feel peaceful.  Keep this with you on you iphone for easy access. You can even dance with the music if you feel inspired, or draw doodles while you listen, paint a picture, play an instrument if you choose, (anyone know how to play the spoons?) play your songs today and think to yourself, "All will be well, all is well."

Play the list anytime you feel yourself starting to worry, play a favorite song and feel yourself becoming peaceful inside your mind again.  Stay in the present moment of joy. Find that smile on your face, we know it is there. All of us would rather smile, it is our natural state of mind to be peaceful and happy.

Share some of your song choices in the comment section so we can all share in the happiness.

Thankful to have music to calm the mind.

Go to Youtube paste and listen to one of my favorites:

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

~Day 15 ~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Wiring Your Brain for Happiness"

Affirmations never worked for me.  I did affirmations for years with no positive results. The reason affirmations did not work for me is the pain was not dealt with that was underneath the stale words.
If affirmations work for you, good, stay with it, I'm just telling you it did not work for me.

What healed me was learning to attach no judgment to the the things I could not control.  Once this pain was removed, then these one-liners I chose to wire myself to believe, worked. I like to be in control of me.  This is probably why when I was young, I volunteered to be a designated driver when out with a group. This is also why I refused to medicate my pain with drugs and alcohol. I prefer clarity and truth.

These one liners are my reminder that the universe has my back, it always has, it is just that no one ever told me this so I was caught up in the fears of my family environment. No more.

I have recited these one-liners for so many decades that my mind automatically goes to these whenever I find myself beginning to stress and these work for me.

~These one-liners center me, keep me peaceful every time I say these to myself.~ 

"The universe is a friendly place."

"Everything happens FOR me not to me."

"Obstacles are nothing more than challenges for me to figure out how to overcome."

"Failures do exist, but failures are lessons for me to learn and signposts to take another direction."

"Stay in the present moment, in this moment there is no need."

"Thank you."

*Today make a list of 10 one-liners that bring you back to inner peace.  

**Write these on 4 index cards. Put one on your bathroom mirror, one on your computer desk at home, one on your desk at work, and keep one in your wallet.  

Whenever you begin to feel stressed, pull out your index card and read the words, saturate your mind with the calming thoughts and the stress will let go of you. Like everything I have shared it takes daily practice.  One read, one time will not do it.

Remember to start your day in your meditation space and end it in the sanctuary of peace doing the activities I have shared up to now in that space until inner peace is present. Discipline your mind.

Thankful to know there is a way to find peace within yourself, by yourself.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

~Day 14~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Open to Change"

For me to forgive was the easier part (I do not hold grudges long, too hard on the mind) but to "forget" did not work. If it doesn't work for you either, you may decide to do what worked for me.

I could not forget the facts of what occurred and the hurt to the people I loved, so in time with much persistent practice I learn to attach no pain to the facts of the hurts. This takes much focused practice and you will do it if you want inner peace. I did. Part of this was knowing what the stoic's teach about control:

*You "will need new" outside information to move on with living a happy life...I found it in books. 

If you choose to change your thoughts you need to know how to change, and what to think to be positive. Find new information in books of "personal development" that appeal to you.

Here are a few of the books I first read (in my Father's library) that gave me confidence to think I could change my life:

Life is Stupendous  by Zig Ziglar
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

these were only the beginning...

I found my inner peace through reading many, many non-fiction books and practiced daily, the self-discipline of controlling my thoughts through exercises that I found in these books. 

**Today you can go to the public library or bookstore and get books that speak to you.  Check them out and read them. Take personal notes of things you can apply in your life now. Start applying now.

Keep a list of the books that helped you the most. Look for similar subject matter to read more.
How many books will you read to get inner peace? As many as it takes! In time, fear, indecisiveness, confusion, and hurt will leave.  Freedom is one thought away.

Thankful to know how to read.

Monday, January 15, 2018

~Day 13~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Forgiveness is for YOU not Them"

This may be the hardest for some of us in this 21 day activity but it is paramount to inner peace.

Forgiveness allows you to move on.  No matter what destructive family actions may have resulted from family members that caused the trust between siblings, cousins, mother, father, to be broken, we each have the power to forgive and move passed it.

It was a rude awakening when I was young to discover there are relatives who steal, lie, cheat, that are alcoholics, drug addicts, sex addicts, verbally, physically abusive to family members,  and these same people never lose one wink of sleep over it. To argue with this reality is to argue with God.  

These people exist and when you have one or more of these in your family you have to openly admit their existence and their wrong doing to yourself to move passed it, especially if the family will not. 

To "expect" anyone, including family members to do the right thing is hopeless. Their conscious mind is gone, severed by the learned fear that was passed down through the previous generations. You and I need to focus on our peace of mind, we need to wake up, to become conscious of our actions and the effects on others.  We cannot change others. 

We do not need anyone to participate in the forgiveness process except ourselves.

*So it must begin with me forgiving others.  When you do this you learn to forgive yourself.

**Write your anger on paper, see yourself without the thought that angers you.  Think of the peace of mind you will have when you let go of this anger, when you truly forgive the pain will let go of you. Inner peace will enter your mind and you will feel the joy. 

If you can forgive, this is good but if the hurt pops up again, you have not fully forgiven. You must continue to write it down and see yourself without the pain connected to the thought and it will come easier to forgive if the hurt comes to mind again. One day, with daily discipline meditation the painful thoughts leave you. I let mine go because I did not want to feel the pain anymore. It was too much to bear, it was interrupting my happy life and I had a happy life without these thoughts. I made sure of that!

Thankful to know in time with practice, forgiveness is easy.  In forgiving others I learn to forgive myself.  Happiness is the reward.

Happiness, peace, kindness is your birthright, it is your true self, your home. 

Sunday, January 14, 2018

~Day 12~ of "21 Day of "Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Building Your Vision of a Happy Family"

*Today we are putting a box of pictures together to build a vision of what we would like our family life to be.  Find or make a box to keep pictures of your "happy family."

Go through magazines and find pictures of families having picnics, bike riding together or whatever you enjoy. For me I like to kayak so I might cut out pictures of families kayaking together.

Remember your mind does not know the difference between reality and a vivid imagination, so begin to feel the loving care of this family.

**Create a daily mantra that you will speak out loud to yourself.  In your meditation space repeat your mantra and think positive thoughts about the situation.

A sample mantra:

~I'm so grateful and thankful to have a clear mind about this now.  I release all pain and hurt connected to this situation because I know "no one would hurt another person if their mind was not confused." Thankful to know the only control I truly have is control of my thoughts. For this I am truly thankful. Thankful to not be confused or hurt anymore.~

And if you hold on to these pictures of the family you want, it time you will find them in other people if you can't find them in your own family.  There are many good, good, people in the world, you will find them.

Thankful to know peace is only one thought away.  No one can give you peace but you.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

~Day 11~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"I Have Enough"

Look around your life.

*Write down as many things as possible where you see you have enough. 

Think about this every morning, noon, and night.  Remind yourself of all the things you have now.

Thankful to be born free.

Friday, January 12, 2018

~Day 10~ of 21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace'


When we believe we are enough then we tend to have enough, too. We see that everything we need in the moment is here. Including the ability to change our mind and become innovative to have more.

List 5 things you are excel at such as: carving candles, analyzing chess games, cooking, cycling, mechanics, ping pong, writing a proposal, critical thinking skills, telling a joke, planning vacations, public speaking, diagnosing problems, organization, etc.

*If you can think of more than 5, write them all down.

Now list "Why you appreciate that you do these well.  How doing these help you in life? 
Write it down.

**Go to your Meditation Sanctuary and read this list.  Add this to your mindful meditation of the family appreciation list you made in Day 8.  Now when you meditate, read the list. Appreciate yourself first and then do the family list of appreciations.

This may sound simple. This may sound too basic, but the reality is we have lost the fundamental steps to appreciation and peace, and this is why we break it down to "begin again."

If we are to get back to that which we have lost, unity and peace among family, we start over.

It is the daily adherence to this practice that we reap the results.  The daily practice of meditation and thankfulness in the coming weeks, months, and years, opens up the heart to be one, to be whole again, inside.  No one else is needed for this transformation to take place.

The discipline of controlling your own thoughts every moment is the key to inner peace.

Thankful to be able to write and communicate my road back to inner peace.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

~Day 9~ of "21 Day Appreciation & Peace"

~Use It~

Make time early morning before a shower or at night after supper, go into the meditation area with your thankful list of each person in your family.

*Light your candle, sit and get comfortable. Say the first person's name on the list, see their smiling face, repeat out loud the ONE thing you like about them, see the person in your mind happy.

Spend 30 seconds on each name and picture him/her happy in your mind.  If you dare, see yourself sitting with him/her sharing a laugh and possibly hugging.  Remember, you do this only in your mind.

Do this for 5 minutes every day.

Begin today, begin now.

**Continue this activity for the remainder of the 21 days.  Meditate on happiness with your family member for 5 minutes every day.

Thankful for meditation sanctuary.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

~Day 8~of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

~To Begin Abundant Appreciation, Appreciate Now~

Make a list of people in your family. Beside each name think and write ONE thing you like about them, a smile, a beard, a time that person made you laugh, or made you glad to know them, or did something in life that made you proud to be related to them, even if you had nothing to do with him/her at the time, or even if you do not have a good relationship with them presently. (Find ONE thing, you can if you look closer.)

* Write a thank you note to each one thanking them for the laugh, gift, or accomplishment
telling each person you appreciate him/her for this. End it with signing your name and mail it today.

If you have a big family, pick the top 5-10 and write those for this exercise You can keep the list and write more next month. If you decide to write 10 a month eventually you will move through the entire list.

*A thank you note can be short and to the point.

Simpler the better...

Dear Charlie,
I am your (remind her of your relation, cousin, niece, etc. if you need to ) I was thinking about the time you made me a baseball bat on your lathe and gave it to me for my 7th birthday. I wanted to thank you for the bat again. It made me feel special to have that custom bat.
(Your name)

No emails or texts, these are not personal enough.

To get into an appreciation vibration, you need to start appreciating what you have now, good memories.  This daily practice opens your heart to appreciate more every day.

Thankful for the ability to find ONE good thing in everyone.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

~Day 7~ "21 Days of Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Meditation Space in your home"

Making an area for you to relax, sit and think positively, read an uplifting book of your choice, in your home is today's activity.

In this area you can place a candle as a focal point, a favorite object from someone you love, a locket, a pocket knife, a ring, a picture, anything that brings you happiness when you look upon it.

This is a sanctuary that when you sit in it, you feel joyful just to be present in it.

*Make this space where no one can disturb the area once you have it arranged like you want it. It can be your personal shrine to your happiness. You can go here and meditate silently anytime.

I knew a woman who put sticks and a log she found on a hike that reminded her of the serenity of nature in her meditation space.  It was a beautiful space, we both love nature.  You create your space your way, it is all about what you like, no one else.

This is it for today. Have fun creating this.

Thankful to create a positive space in the home.

Monday, January 8, 2018

~Day 6~ "21 Days of Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Clearing Space"

Hitting the repeat button on negative situations enforces their power.

So today we are going to examine what repetitive negative thinking we have over  a certain family situation/family member that we have no power to change.

Have more than one?

Focus on one, the most negative one that comes to mind too often, taking you back into a tail spin even though it is over.

*Write it down on paper, get it out.

When you face it, get it out in written emotions and writing it will lessen the confusion surrounding the situation. How many times you write it to accomplish this depends on how hurt you are about it.

In time when negatives are written out, it will let go of you.

This "clearing of negative space" in your thoughts enables you to bring good positive thoughts into focus.

What you discover may surprise you.

We are able to focus on the thought we choose to think instead of the thought that comes to mind in an undisciplined mindset.

Thankful to know we have "control" of our thoughts if nothing else.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

~Day 5~ of 21 "Days of Family Appreciation & Peace"

~Day 5~

Look at the outcomes you wrote from yesterday and think.

Why would it benefit me to not be caught up in the drama of this?

How much more peaceful would my relationships and mind be if these outcomes were available?

Would I want to be free from these stressful thoughts?

What will change as a result of achieving these outcomes?

*Write down the answers to these questions.

**Now make a list of the reasons why you want to achieve the peaceful outcomes and put this "WHY" list up where you can see it every day.  (*Make copies to remind you...In your office, on your bathroom mirror, in your car, put on the front of your business folder where you will read it every day)

If you feel comfortable sharing, post in comments why you are doing this.

Thankful to be making a change with a clear objective in mind.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

~Day 4~ of 21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace Activities

~Day 4~

Now that we've made space for new ideas it's time to prioritize our imagined outcomes.


1) Long term Outcomes (These are ones you know cannot be met anytime soon)

2) Short term Outcomes (These are outcomes you see coming into focus in a shorter amount of time)

3) Instantaneous Outcomes (These you are willing to look at now and change your viewpoint now)

**Take time (15 minutes or so) to close your eyes, imagine each positive outcome you would like to see even though you do not think it can/will ever happen, DOES NOT MATTER, make it real in your mind, the peaceful solution.  Your mind does not know the difference between reality and a vivid imagination.

Use that "gift," YOUR IMAGINATION to move into peaceful spaces in your mind.

Thankful for the gift of imagination in all of us.

Friday, January 5, 2018

~Day 3~ of 21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace Activities

~Day 3~

What emotions came up with that activity?  Were these good feelings or angry feelings?
Whatever came up is perfect for this exercise.

Whether the memory is good or bad, stay in this, close your eyes and let the emotion pass through you.

To clear the mind of hurtful clutter one has to make room for new positive thoughts. To shed light into the dark corners of the confusion and find the peace of the situation you must let go.

(If you find this hard to do, you will find a way, I write more about how I let go in my book)

For today let the feeling in, and pass through you.  You can't let go of something unless you acknowledge it and let it be. When you are present with the hurt, eventually it will release you.
*Now take the written memory paper and shred it, burn it, flush it.  In this action we are clearing space in our thoughts for more positives about our family to enter. 

State out loud to yourself: "I'm releasing any thoughts that may prevent me from moving forward in loving my family/member.  I am thankful for the lessons I have learned from the situations but I am moving upward to see the fullness of things I appreciate about my family members and gain a truly peaceful mind."

Now we are  ready to write your peaceful outcomes that you'd like to see in your family. The positive outcome you imagine, although this DOES NOT mean you can change anything, you CAN CHANGE YOUR THINKING. When you change your thoughts you set yourself free.

Thankful we all can be in control of our own thoughts. The only thing we truly have control over are thoughts.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

~ Day 2~ of 21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace Activities

~Day 2~

Second Activity:  Write your earliest memory of being with your family.  Go with the first one that comes to mind.

Who was there?

Where were you?

What happened?

How old were you?

How do you feel about it?

*That's it for today.

Very important to write it down on paper.

Good. This is easy eh?

Tune in tomorrow for next activity.

Thankful for a thinking mind.

21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace Activities

Are you in? For the next 21 days I will have activities that tap into the positives of your family. Your choice always.

The only contact you have with anyone doing this activities is in your mind.

~Day 1~

First Activity:  Mark your calendar today as the first day of your 21 day "Family Appreciation & Peace Exploration" on a calendar.

*Make a decision to explore the possibilities

State out loud to yourself:  "Today I am making a decision to "consider" the positives in my family members.  For the next three weeks I will do these activities with an open mind."

This is all for today.

Tune in tomorrow for the next action to take.
Thank you for making the commitment, the goal is peaceful mind.

Monday, January 1, 2018

There is a Room At the End of the Hall

There is a room at the end of the hall,

Most days of the year there is no one in it at all,

That will go into inspired French country decor,

And witness the serenity behind the closed door.

It is properly cleaned, dusted, and kept pleasing to the eye,

In case a dear friend should impromptu stop by.

It has a beautifully kept secret that no one can know,

Unless you wake up in that pale green room's glow.

There is a sun bright, each day that will enter the room,

In the wee early hours of dawn's morning bloom,

That starts your day happy whether you need it or not,

And lights up your mind with possibilities you've got,

Hidden in your heart or in that head that is spinning,

Waiting to unfold and start your mind living.

A view to the nature outside if you look,

The deer, turkeys, foxes, and bear, while you cook,

Up ideas of the fun you can have and create,

When you let your mind fly and decide to demonstrate,

The gifts you were given so freely to share,

To a world that needs to know you, to know you were here.

Makes you glad you stopped in and decided to visit,

To unlock your vision that had clouds with some limits.

From a bustling life full of technology and dates,

To wake up here in the country where time always waits,

For you to make the next move, for it is your choice,

To sleep in with comfort and or go out with your voice.

Or move on with the dream that you carefully planned,

But somehow got side tracked, unintentionally canned.

But now in the sunlight of another great day,

In the country with nature, dreams no longer astray,

You reset, you refocus, you revitalize and go,

You are renewed, awakened to possibilities you know,

The only thing stopping you from living your dream,

Is not getting up, getting up, and trying again.

That if you keep doing the thing you are gifted,

Your life will begin to reveal the life you have scripted.

A night in the country with sunrise in your eyes,

Makes the world more exciting and you, eager to rise,

In the warm yellow sunlight that through window crept in,

With a colorful "Good Morning, Good Morning My Friend."

There is a room at the end of the hall,

Most days of the year there is no one in it at all.

Let's Put On Our Enchroma Glasses in 2018

Many of us look at our life in a color variant distortion. We can't do this or we can't do that even though our heart desires to do it.  We have too much of this or too little of that, we can't do it. I surely have done this over the years.

For 2018 my wish for myself and all my readers are that we put on our Enchroma glasses and see our beautiful selves in the light we were created, normal. Having all the colors in balance, able to see the strength and potential inside each of us is to see the strength and potential in others. In this we have peaceful relationships, we are successful, abundant in every way. 

We smile because we know we are enough, we have enough. The universe has our back. The right thought is only one thought away, the kind thing to do is one move away. We are born with a good conscious, it is true in every newborn.  There is a joy in NOT knowing all the answers now.  The answers come in time as you patiently, thankfully wait for the answers and simply live life.

This is the right life for you. If you do not believe it is, begin with acceptance of the life you are living and this alone will open up possibilities of change.  Relax and let life give you everything, in time it will. Careful of your thoughts, thinking of the past makes one depressed, thinking of the future makes one anxious, peace lives in the present moment. This, you alone control and these thoughts enable you enjoy your life and be thankful for the people in it now.

I'm bringing my vision into focus this year, I wish this for you too. Happy New Year!