Tuesday, January 23, 2018

~Day 21~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Enjoy Your Life & Give to Others"

There are many roads to the top of the mountain of inner peace.  Find yours and make the climb soon and quickly. It is worth it. At the top you can look back and smile because you overcame many obstacles in your mind, you set yourself free and now life is exciting, moving forward with your wonderful peaceful self.

**Daily discipline to bring your mind under your peaceful control is your key.  

Now 'you decide' where to give to others of your time, money, wisdom, and "kind words."

**Find an organization that you can "volunteer" your time and share your talents. 
     (Especially one that teaches children)

The rewards of giving to others are too numerous to mention.

There is a thankful thought at the closing of each of the 21 Day Activities, go back through, decide which ones you like and write your own list. Think on this list every morning and night.

Believe nothing I have shared unless it resonates with you. You have the ability to decide what you need, you were born with it. Believe in yourself, I do.

"When you discover all happiness is inside you, the wanting and needing are over and life gets very exciting. ~Byron Katie

Thankful to live this wonderful life with my own inner peace for many years. You can too. Thankful for you. 

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