Wednesday, January 10, 2018

~Day 8~of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

~To Begin Abundant Appreciation, Appreciate Now~

Make a list of people in your family. Beside each name think and write ONE thing you like about them, a smile, a beard, a time that person made you laugh, or made you glad to know them, or did something in life that made you proud to be related to them, even if you had nothing to do with him/her at the time, or even if you do not have a good relationship with them presently. (Find ONE thing, you can if you look closer.)

* Write a thank you note to each one thanking them for the laugh, gift, or accomplishment
telling each person you appreciate him/her for this. End it with signing your name and mail it today.

If you have a big family, pick the top 5-10 and write those for this exercise You can keep the list and write more next month. If you decide to write 10 a month eventually you will move through the entire list.

*A thank you note can be short and to the point.

Simpler the better...

Dear Charlie,
I am your (remind her of your relation, cousin, niece, etc. if you need to ) I was thinking about the time you made me a baseball bat on your lathe and gave it to me for my 7th birthday. I wanted to thank you for the bat again. It made me feel special to have that custom bat.
(Your name)

No emails or texts, these are not personal enough.

To get into an appreciation vibration, you need to start appreciating what you have now, good memories.  This daily practice opens your heart to appreciate more every day.

Thankful for the ability to find ONE good thing in everyone.

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