Sunday, January 28, 2018


The trees outside our house are dead or dying and must come down, one by one every snowstorm, ice, and wind nature is taking another one down. So far the trees are falling in the right direction away from house and cars.

The ones that fall on the driveway Sweetheart has managed to saw, chop, chainsaw and move to the side so our cars can drive through. Today being warm he decided to help a few more fall in the right direction by capturing a limb with a string shot from an arrow then feed it back to himself and run a rope up there to wrap around the branch. The plan was to tie the rope around the tree and pull it in the direction away from the driveway as he chainsaws the bottom.

Several archer attempts proved fruitless. Next a rock duct taped on to the string to be hurles like David of the Goliath story. Quickly he learned he had not been herding sheep long enough to hit Goliath between the eyes for that fatal blow so with one last "Fu** it, and a throw" it hit its mark and the threading of the heavier rope began.

Sure enough the rope wrapped and tied around yonder tree while he got his chainsaw and me, to pull the tree in the correct direction he started the chainsaw up. Rev, rev, rev, rev, and the saw was off...then I heard it suddenly quit.

I knew in an instant, because I know Sweetheart well that a safety tip crossed his mind and he would have to share before continuing.  Sure enough he put hi safety glasses on top of his head and made his way silently into the brambles, 40 feet away where I was standing, faithfully holding the rope as he asked previously, ready to pull when the rope tightened, and he spoke.  I said, "Did you think of a safety tip to tell me?"

He, "Yes. You can pull out towards the south if you want. It will accomplish the same thing and may be easier for you."

Me, "Ok."

So I waited as he went back through the brambles to the targeted tree and began to chainsaw the tree. Funny but you do not realize how a chainsaw cut to the bottom of the tree would cause a very slight vibration to the rope in my hand. So instead of pulling towards me I let my entire weight fall to the south as I played, "Trust" with gravity, trusting the tree and earth would soften my fall, and it did.

Down came the tree and just as quick he marked another one as I coiled the rope up around my shoulder and left hand between the thumb and pointer.

Everyday is an adventure with this man, you never know what you will be doing when he gets another idea in his head. And we call this living peacefully together, we call this fun, just hanging out maintaining the property and house.

Nature my church, patience, my specialty.


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