Sunday, January 21, 2018

~Day 19~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Watch Your Thoughts"

Old Chinese proverb:

*This knowing of how to control your thoughts is not new, nothing I have shared is new, the fact that you were not taught this is not new either.  We cannot receive anything we do not know is available, I did not know these things.

I searched to know how to rid myself of repetitive negative judgments of myself and others because I wanted to be free of my mental pain and to be calm inside. I searched until I found remedies that worked for me. You will find yours if you want to, when you are ready. I recommend you begin the work today, to be peaceful and happy for the rest of your life.

Thoughts and words that imply violence, sarcasm that puts down another, words that make fun of violent acts, threats to another's safety, jokes made at another's expense, and rude selfish behaviors, are harmful to the world.  If peace is to be, let it begin with me.

We cannot prevent or stop others from speaking and doing these, but we can stop ourselves.

We can set boundaries and choose what kind of people we let into our inner circle of influence.  It is true the people you associate with the most have influence on you, choose positive, upbeat, prosperous, associations.  When you have these "good" influences in your life look to see how you can be to them the same positive upbeat, prosperous, influence.

Once you know, really know who you are inside, kind, giving, prosperous, you do not fear life, selfish anger subsides.  You begin to know you really are enough, you have enough, and the world is a friendly place, no need to be afraid anymore, you know your boundaries, you respect others.

You begin to see how to influence others in a positive way for positive changes.  Fighting is useless.

Thankful to find the path to inner peace is shorter than I knew before.

**Acceptance of "what is." This is the shortest path to peace. Now begin with daily thankfulness."

You are on your way to inner peace.  Too simple isn't it? It is true. 

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