Thursday, January 25, 2018

American Zeitgeist

A friend reports reading a local paper that stated the American Zeitgeist is to be overworked, underpaid, depressed, and hopeless. Does not seem we know much about being happy or do we?

Again more and more people are coming into awareness, more than ever before people are realizing fighting and war are not the answer and yet seek another way. We seek and we will find.

I found my inner peace through these two sages, Eckhart Tolle and with Byron Katie. You look and you will find yours too.

"If peace is to be, it must begin with me."

I believe the American Zeitgeist is approaching inner peace more now than ever before, when we turn off the social and TV media. All news is exaggerated and negative, we are more than this but we must learn to think for ourselves.

"Zeit" comes from the German word 'time' and "geist" means 'spirit.'

Thankful to be in the best time of my life, in control of my thoughts more and more... and I'm happy.

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