Friday, January 19, 2018

~Day 17~ of "21 Day family Appreciation & Peace"

"Laughter Comes Easily Now"

Once I had gained the clarity of my mind about hurt and being hurt I quickly learned the power of laughter. Once I learned I was enough and I could supply my needs, the confidence and kindness to family was formed.  I did not need them to accept me, I did.

*Today I ask you to find on YouTube comical movies, comedy routines, or comediennes that make you laugh out loud. The kind of laugh you cannot hold back.  If there is a comedy, a comedienne of situation comedy that is so ridiculous that you laugh, watch it on youtube or buy it to keep close at home.

**Write jokes that make you laugh and keep them in your pocket.  Read them when stressed and let go of the anxiety of the moment.  If you do this often you will win back the control of your mind and the hurt will release you.

This is another clue to get yourself out of the repetitive negative thinking about the "hurt" until you are ready to let go of it. Only you can set yourself free from hurt, only you.

Thankful to choose laughter over pain to feel peace.

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