Monday, January 1, 2018

Let's Put On Our Enchroma Glasses in 2018

Many of us look at our life in a color variant distortion. We can't do this or we can't do that even though our heart desires to do it.  We have too much of this or too little of that, we can't do it. I surely have done this over the years.

For 2018 my wish for myself and all my readers are that we put on our Enchroma glasses and see our beautiful selves in the light we were created, normal. Having all the colors in balance, able to see the strength and potential inside each of us is to see the strength and potential in others. In this we have peaceful relationships, we are successful, abundant in every way. 

We smile because we know we are enough, we have enough. The universe has our back. The right thought is only one thought away, the kind thing to do is one move away. We are born with a good conscious, it is true in every newborn.  There is a joy in NOT knowing all the answers now.  The answers come in time as you patiently, thankfully wait for the answers and simply live life.

This is the right life for you. If you do not believe it is, begin with acceptance of the life you are living and this alone will open up possibilities of change.  Relax and let life give you everything, in time it will. Careful of your thoughts, thinking of the past makes one depressed, thinking of the future makes one anxious, peace lives in the present moment. This, you alone control and these thoughts enable you enjoy your life and be thankful for the people in it now.

I'm bringing my vision into focus this year, I wish this for you too. Happy New Year!

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