Wednesday, January 17, 2018

~Day 15 ~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Wiring Your Brain for Happiness"

Affirmations never worked for me.  I did affirmations for years with no positive results. The reason affirmations did not work for me is the pain was not dealt with that was underneath the stale words.
If affirmations work for you, good, stay with it, I'm just telling you it did not work for me.

What healed me was learning to attach no judgment to the the things I could not control.  Once this pain was removed, then these one-liners I chose to wire myself to believe, worked. I like to be in control of me.  This is probably why when I was young, I volunteered to be a designated driver when out with a group. This is also why I refused to medicate my pain with drugs and alcohol. I prefer clarity and truth.

These one liners are my reminder that the universe has my back, it always has, it is just that no one ever told me this so I was caught up in the fears of my family environment. No more.

I have recited these one-liners for so many decades that my mind automatically goes to these whenever I find myself beginning to stress and these work for me.

~These one-liners center me, keep me peaceful every time I say these to myself.~ 

"The universe is a friendly place."

"Everything happens FOR me not to me."

"Obstacles are nothing more than challenges for me to figure out how to overcome."

"Failures do exist, but failures are lessons for me to learn and signposts to take another direction."

"Stay in the present moment, in this moment there is no need."

"Thank you."

*Today make a list of 10 one-liners that bring you back to inner peace.  

**Write these on 4 index cards. Put one on your bathroom mirror, one on your computer desk at home, one on your desk at work, and keep one in your wallet.  

Whenever you begin to feel stressed, pull out your index card and read the words, saturate your mind with the calming thoughts and the stress will let go of you. Like everything I have shared it takes daily practice.  One read, one time will not do it.

Remember to start your day in your meditation space and end it in the sanctuary of peace doing the activities I have shared up to now in that space until inner peace is present. Discipline your mind.

Thankful to know there is a way to find peace within yourself, by yourself.

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