Friday, January 5, 2018

~Day 3~ of 21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace Activities

~Day 3~

What emotions came up with that activity?  Were these good feelings or angry feelings?
Whatever came up is perfect for this exercise.

Whether the memory is good or bad, stay in this, close your eyes and let the emotion pass through you.

To clear the mind of hurtful clutter one has to make room for new positive thoughts. To shed light into the dark corners of the confusion and find the peace of the situation you must let go.

(If you find this hard to do, you will find a way, I write more about how I let go in my book)

For today let the feeling in, and pass through you.  You can't let go of something unless you acknowledge it and let it be. When you are present with the hurt, eventually it will release you.
*Now take the written memory paper and shred it, burn it, flush it.  In this action we are clearing space in our thoughts for more positives about our family to enter. 

State out loud to yourself: "I'm releasing any thoughts that may prevent me from moving forward in loving my family/member.  I am thankful for the lessons I have learned from the situations but I am moving upward to see the fullness of things I appreciate about my family members and gain a truly peaceful mind."

Now we are  ready to write your peaceful outcomes that you'd like to see in your family. The positive outcome you imagine, although this DOES NOT mean you can change anything, you CAN CHANGE YOUR THINKING. When you change your thoughts you set yourself free.

Thankful we all can be in control of our own thoughts. The only thing we truly have control over are thoughts.


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