Tuesday, January 9, 2018

~Day 7~ "21 Days of Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Meditation Space in your home"

Making an area for you to relax, sit and think positively, read an uplifting book of your choice, in your home is today's activity.

In this area you can place a candle as a focal point, a favorite object from someone you love, a locket, a pocket knife, a ring, a picture, anything that brings you happiness when you look upon it.

This is a sanctuary that when you sit in it, you feel joyful just to be present in it.

*Make this space where no one can disturb the area once you have it arranged like you want it. It can be your personal shrine to your happiness. You can go here and meditate silently anytime.

I knew a woman who put sticks and a log she found on a hike that reminded her of the serenity of nature in her meditation space.  It was a beautiful space, we both love nature.  You create your space your way, it is all about what you like, no one else.

This is it for today. Have fun creating this.

Thankful to create a positive space in the home.

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