Sunday, January 14, 2018

~Day 12~ of "21 Day of "Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Building Your Vision of a Happy Family"

*Today we are putting a box of pictures together to build a vision of what we would like our family life to be.  Find or make a box to keep pictures of your "happy family."

Go through magazines and find pictures of families having picnics, bike riding together or whatever you enjoy. For me I like to kayak so I might cut out pictures of families kayaking together.

Remember your mind does not know the difference between reality and a vivid imagination, so begin to feel the loving care of this family.

**Create a daily mantra that you will speak out loud to yourself.  In your meditation space repeat your mantra and think positive thoughts about the situation.

A sample mantra:

~I'm so grateful and thankful to have a clear mind about this now.  I release all pain and hurt connected to this situation because I know "no one would hurt another person if their mind was not confused." Thankful to know the only control I truly have is control of my thoughts. For this I am truly thankful. Thankful to not be confused or hurt anymore.~

And if you hold on to these pictures of the family you want, it time you will find them in other people if you can't find them in your own family.  There are many good, good, people in the world, you will find them.

Thankful to know peace is only one thought away.  No one can give you peace but you.

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