Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fibonacci & The Golden Ratio

Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones.  Example: 1,1,2,3,8,5,13,21,34,55,89,144...

In nature scientists noticed the sequence and patterns of leaves and veins in a leaf. The study extended to skeletons of animals, branches of the nerves, veins, and sea shells. Interesting to notice in nature.
The numbers that repeated noticeably were 1:618.

Science Journal reported the golden ratio is present in the atomic scale in the magnetic spins of the cobalt niobate crystals I don't know what this is either you can GTS.  However I understand the study to explore the ratio in connection with everything would intrigued some individuals.

Psychologist have tested the theory that the golden ratio has a role in human perception of beauty, we prefer symmetry.  This is non conclusive research.  No kidding,   Men like females, all of them, regardless of shape size or symmetry, that is my science experience. ;)

Henna art and sand paintings done by Buddhist monks have the golden ratio in it.

Why am I mentioning this today?

Sweetheart has a new invention that is simply amazing. Being the computer mind and geek that I adore, he loves symmetry.  He is thinking of incorporating the "Fibonacci sequence and ratio" to his product design for a more pleasing feel of his invention for his customers.

Me I would just wing it, and go with it. Sweetheart has to make rhyme and reason of everything for his mind to feel comfort and ease. However, I see where he is going with this design and I love it. Excited to live with a "Newton Gimmick" inventor. He loves living with a artist. Both quirky and temperamental, we enjoy our life together. Thankful the universe brought us together.

"Getting married is the easy part, staying married is the hard part." ~LMS


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