Saturday, January 27, 2018

Joey Anderson Played Jazz Piano

Have you ever heard a child prodigy play an instrument?  These musicians do come to the capital district periodically and we were interested in seeing this one because my Sweetheart loves jazz music. He has been listening since his teens.

Joey was accompanied by a master bass player and a master drummer.

What a polished performance! The three really worked together well. The bass player and the drummer would look over at Joey and smile and wink from time to time. We wondered how he found these musicians to form the trio. One thing I continue to notice in successful people is a happy countenance and upbeat visage.

Joey born in Bali had parents that were supportive and when they realized his talent, closed their business and moved to NYC to help him develop his career.  Whenever I read about a child that makes it to the stage his family is extremely supportive.

What a wonderful thing to have supportive parents that believe in you.


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