Saturday, January 6, 2018

~Day 4~ of 21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace Activities

~Day 4~

Now that we've made space for new ideas it's time to prioritize our imagined outcomes.


1) Long term Outcomes (These are ones you know cannot be met anytime soon)

2) Short term Outcomes (These are outcomes you see coming into focus in a shorter amount of time)

3) Instantaneous Outcomes (These you are willing to look at now and change your viewpoint now)

**Take time (15 minutes or so) to close your eyes, imagine each positive outcome you would like to see even though you do not think it can/will ever happen, DOES NOT MATTER, make it real in your mind, the peaceful solution.  Your mind does not know the difference between reality and a vivid imagination.

Use that "gift," YOUR IMAGINATION to move into peaceful spaces in your mind.

Thankful for the gift of imagination in all of us.

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