Sunday, January 7, 2018

~Day 5~ of 21 "Days of Family Appreciation & Peace"

~Day 5~

Look at the outcomes you wrote from yesterday and think.

Why would it benefit me to not be caught up in the drama of this?

How much more peaceful would my relationships and mind be if these outcomes were available?

Would I want to be free from these stressful thoughts?

What will change as a result of achieving these outcomes?

*Write down the answers to these questions.

**Now make a list of the reasons why you want to achieve the peaceful outcomes and put this "WHY" list up where you can see it every day.  (*Make copies to remind you...In your office, on your bathroom mirror, in your car, put on the front of your business folder where you will read it every day)

If you feel comfortable sharing, post in comments why you are doing this.

Thankful to be making a change with a clear objective in mind.

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