Saturday, January 20, 2018

~Day 18~ of "21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace"

"Still Bitter? Understand This..."

The anger I had as a child turned into bitterness as an adult.  This bitterness was heavy to carry in my mind yet I carried it until one day a good friend shared with me that the past was over and I needed to put this burden down because the people that caused the hurt were not losing one wink over the hurt caused to me.  This was true, no one in my family contacted me once I left home. No one wrote me, called me, no one asked where I was, and it was as if the family were content to be free of me.

I wrote them every 6 months or more to let them know my whereabouts but no answer came to me in the mail, no phone call. I stayed in touch out of respect for my family but in reality the same respect was not shown me. It was as it always was from childhood.

I began this road to recovery of how to rid myself of the bitterness that was on my mind through daily reading and practicing the activities I have shared in the 21 day exercise. I know these work because they worked for me.  I was a hard core case but in time I gave myself peace of mind.

I chose not to go home or visit for many years, it was the best decision I made while I was discovering how to transcend my anger and become happy. It is hard to restart your mind when you are around a negative home environment and negative conversations.

One thing I have always loved is people in general.  The world is full of generous giving people and many have helped me along my way and that is why I know strangers will help you if you ask too.

*Today decide you have carried this burden too long. You do not have to suffer for years, you can decide to let anger leave now.  Your life is too precious to waste another moment on it.  

What do you need to do to be relieved of the anger you hold inside?  If you need to leave family, do it. When you are healed and ready to go home someday, be present without resentment, then you can return home, but save yourself first. Only you know what you need to do for yourself. When will you save yourself?

**Now think of the family that hurt you and find it in your heart to feel happy for them.  Write down things you know they have or enjoy and feel happy for them.  This part was easy for me.

Remember they have untold stories of hurt too.

I love people to have what they need and want. I always celebrated others' success.

Thankful for the roof over my head, the food on the table, and clothes provided by the family while I was growing up.  Thankful to grow up and be able to move away to find inner peace.

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