Friday, January 12, 2018

~Day 10~ of 21 Day Family Appreciation & Peace'


When we believe we are enough then we tend to have enough, too. We see that everything we need in the moment is here. Including the ability to change our mind and become innovative to have more.

List 5 things you are excel at such as: carving candles, analyzing chess games, cooking, cycling, mechanics, ping pong, writing a proposal, critical thinking skills, telling a joke, planning vacations, public speaking, diagnosing problems, organization, etc.

*If you can think of more than 5, write them all down.

Now list "Why you appreciate that you do these well.  How doing these help you in life? 
Write it down.

**Go to your Meditation Sanctuary and read this list.  Add this to your mindful meditation of the family appreciation list you made in Day 8.  Now when you meditate, read the list. Appreciate yourself first and then do the family list of appreciations.

This may sound simple. This may sound too basic, but the reality is we have lost the fundamental steps to appreciation and peace, and this is why we break it down to "begin again."

If we are to get back to that which we have lost, unity and peace among family, we start over.

It is the daily adherence to this practice that we reap the results.  The daily practice of meditation and thankfulness in the coming weeks, months, and years, opens up the heart to be one, to be whole again, inside.  No one else is needed for this transformation to take place.

The discipline of controlling your own thoughts every moment is the key to inner peace.

Thankful to be able to write and communicate my road back to inner peace.

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