Friday, March 23, 2018

All Major Religions Teach the Same, As a Parent I hope I Did too

Compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and self-discipline, and a faith towards creator, God.  Buddhism teaches that we are a self-creator and therefore need to take control of our thoughts that lead to ultimate actions from motivation.  All roads lead to inner peace that creates world peace.

To control mind we need to have thorough knowledge about our mind. There are different types of minds with destructive thoughts of anger.  Some will soothe with alcohol, drugs, food, superior ego, and things. 5 senses pleasures take over body when the mind is out of control. These only increase these destructive emotions.

To know what increases the destructive emotion, we have to know the ultimate nature of mind.  The basis of the destructive emotion and if we learn this we can learn to quiet this mind, redirect this anger to peaceful thoughts and outcome.  We can become friend to self and all others.

Like the body needs water every day, the mind needs quiet time, meditation time.  Time to refresh the mind through pausing, breathe in and breathe out, become calm and make decisions from a kind place, a compassionate place, that resides deep inside us all. Because our mind thinks from sun up to sun down, we need a daily break to slow down, go within to find the creator of peace within for guidance.

If I had known this when I was a young mother I would have taken time to sit and teach out children to meditate every day, to slow down, to get quiet inside.  But that was then and today I think about the kind of mother I tried to be and the kind of person I endeavor to be now because it is the birthday of our firstborn.  Now it is up to our children to find their way to inner peace, and I pray they will.

We all do what we do until we know better then we hopefully do better. So happy the day he was born, truthfully I learned more about loving someone outside of myself by loving that little guy and his siblings, who are grown now. 

Thankful to have the children every day.

 Image result for love having our children


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