Friday, March 9, 2018

How To Make Your Comfort Zone Shrink

Do not try anything new.

Comfort is what we all seek, work for, believe is where we need to be. So we finally get there and now what?  Sit down and enjoy? For how long? Maybe the rest of your life?

The thing about the comfort zone that Pema Chodron teaches, it is  frightening that the older you get, 70s, 80s, the less you want to try the things you did when you were 20 or thirty. Why? You will think of the dangers and decide, "No."

So the next level outside of the comfort zone is "Challenges." One by one we steer clear. Why should we accept another challenge?

And the outer zone is "Excessive Risks."  That is definitely "Out of the Question."

At a closer look we see that our core "Comfort Zone" by logic has to shrink.

What is your confort? Video games? Netflix every night? Social media daily?  These are dangerous addictions for the mind. (read GLOW KIDS) 

Learning new things expands our comfort zone.

Comfort would be better spent in nature.  However the mind needs stimulation to stay young.Just a thought to consider, the older I get the more I know, we are really not here that long, we had best get busy living.

Thankful to be moving on.

Image result for comfort zone shrinks

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