Saturday, March 24, 2018

Being Self-reliant Is The Best Way To Instill Confidence in One's Self

Staying home your entire life can be safe but it cannot instill the confidence you gain from getting out into the world and paying your own way. Not going from being a child at home to someone's father/mother wife/ husband, but going out into the world with no prior attachments or responsibilities to anyone except yourself and the world. To yourself first be true, then to the world to give of your talents to expand the universe and make the world a better place for everyone.

Finding income independent of parents' help, finding a place to live, buying a car, finding a way to have fun that brings you laughter without alcohol, drugs or any addiction, learning to be peaceful and at home with being alone makes one confident to live in the world.

Doing anything that brings you happiness and prosperity builds a solid foundation of self-love and is good for the world.  Once you know you can survive on your own and be happy, you can become friends with people like you and if you're open, you may find someone to share your life with that is as confident, independent, and fun as you.

That's where we begin, what we settle for is another story.

Don't settle.

Thankful I did not settle, life has not always been easy but my God it has been a wonderful adventure.

Image result for be the designer of your life

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