Thursday, March 22, 2018

Foreigners Opinion of USA is Grim Amuses Me!

Studying "Narcissistic" characteristics I have stumbled across some therapist and authors who have written fascinating facts about this disorder.  The details are so succinct in how it manifest and the damage that can be done to others that live with  these "monsters" as some spouses call them, that is is a relatively new phenomenon.

Not until recently, very recently have the details of the origin of this negative personality been researched and revealed. And who better to research and reveal than a full-blown narcissist?

Without getting into what I have read and how revealing it is about people I grew up with and some people we all have had around  the workplace or home... I read comments after interviews with these authors and the harsh reality of these people, who are mostly spotted as "overt bullies."  
There are the non-malignant narcissist, "covert bullies,"  that bullnose their way into your life to try to get you to do everything around them as they want it done and the more noticeable bully that uses threats and violence to get their way.  Either way these "Narcissists" get others to rotate around them at their bid and call.

The comments made me smile. So many "Foreigners," meaning people who visit here in the USA or have never been here going on hearsay from the media have decided that the USA is full of narcissists citizens, toting guns with religious naivete mentality, that live in a country founded on genocide of Native Americans and slavery. In essence we Americans are nothing but leftover generational bullies.

Now the following is what these self proclaimed intellectual narcissists say about our presidents: Obama was a joke, to become president, with a background of doing nothing of note, a narcissist in every word, his narcissism resulted in economic mayhem for the country. Bill Clinton has the over sexed, self absorbed, self serving pleasure control narcissistic traits that do not make him a good public servant, always putting himself first before the country he serves. Hillary is the same, an emotionally unstable narcissist that lies, is self serving first before thinking of the public she serves, and has no real sense of what a good foreign policy looks like.
 And there is Trump, an egocentric narcissist that got voted in because Americans would rather own their own companies instead of learning to work together as a team in a workforce. The only thing all these politicians have in common is the foundation of creating a full fledged arrogant bully.  ("Narcissist") are created not born and are a result of an unstable home life from the beginning of life. Whether spoiled rotten or neglected, these opposite ends of the caring spectrum both create narcissism according to these experts.

I don't have the same opinion about this USA as these"intellectual narcissists" claim to think to know however I do know if you have not worn the shoes you cannot know how it fits for another. These narcissist have not lived here.  And if there is anything I have learned about this life it is this, you cannot possibly know what others think and what their motivation is for doing anything, you can only know from your perspective.  After all they have a grand sense of grandiosity, they know best they are "narcissists." 

They are experts on what a "Narcissist" does and how they try to control and hurt others.  So I say, "Stick to what you know guys, being a bully. As for creating drama, I believe you are experts on that too as your book claims."

As an American I allow that you are entitled to your political opinions, and we can agree to disagree in peace.  I would think by now you intellectuals would know not to trust everything you hear  and see in the media. That is naive of you, or is this the narcissist in me talking?

Thankful to be entertained by differing viewpoints, I love it.

Image result for thankful for differing viewpoints

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