Sunday, March 25, 2018

Love of money or Love of life, Which do you Choose?

Of course we have all moved on from the old fashion thought that "money is the root of all evil."  Now we correct ourselves to say "the love of money is the root of all evil."  The truth is we all need money to survive on this planet and we all need to find a compassionate way to earn it.

Now this is the truth of money earning, if you go after a position, a job, just to make money and more of it, you will make wrong decisions along the way. 

The beauty of being brought up in a home where we are taught to work with our hands and minds in service to others is to make decisions based on our love of life, our concern for our fellow human and the environment.  In this pursuit, love of life and compassion, we make fewer bad choices and mistakes.

Just look around and notice in life that people that serve others with an open heart, can rise up in health and wealth, No secrets, no gossip, no lies to cover up what they did, no covert operations of how they got money.  When you live a honest life there is no need to lie, steal, or cheat anyone. There is enough for everyone. 

Thankful to be among the ones who sleep well at night because I have a clear conscience.

Image result for sleep well because i have a conscious

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