Sunday, March 4, 2018

"Are you Operating Out of The Automatic Or Reflective Response of Your Mind?"

In a family that reacts on emotions and feelings you may grow up thinking your automatic response is the correct one but is it?

Science has proven we have both and we need both to survive however if you are more prone to automatic without a reflective in every situation you can end up being out of control of your emotions. If you operate out of the reflective only, you may have no feelings for the harm in a situation. Either way you may mean well but you are missing the facts and feelings that make your logic and reason kick in to make a truthful evaluation of any situation that benefits.

An example question of this was shared by a neuroscientist that was teaching the difference.
He asked, "What does a cow drink?"  Automatic response flashes "milk" across your mind but if you take a moment to think before you speak, your scientific evaluation of the animal will self correct and you say, "Water."

Men and women think differently, we all know this.  Men operate out of the mind, the five senses, the scientific evidence appeals more to their sense of logic and reason. Women operate out of the unseen side with feelings and facts, not always scientific. I believe this is why babies come through the female to get both sides of the mind in action.  A balanced mind is the goal.

Education is key to operate with both flags waving in the same direction to make rational decisions.
Education eliminates fear.  If you walk down a path and out of the corner of your eye you see a rattlesnake, your automatic decides time to run, but if you take a second to look closer you see it is not a snake at all, it is a rope, you laugh and keep walking. 

Which operating system are you operating out of when you get anxious or selfish? How can you expand your knowledge about the situation so you can laugh and decide to take action to calm down and remain kind to yourself and others?  This balance is where inner peace enters the mind and "the constant" awareness of the present moment is obtained moment by moment to stay in alignment.

Thankful be able to learn to be aware of my own imbalance and know ways to get back in alignment of peace. An alignment that has escaped many generations of families, mine included, where selfishness, negative judgments, unkindness, and the love of money has dominated our thinking with no feelings for individuals for way too long. 

Image result for byron katie awareness quotes

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