Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Warning: Another Teacher Has ONE Remedy, Good Grief!

Listening to another author who I love and respect, I see the newest book is more awareness with one remedy, move away permanently from this person. I agree there are some people this decision is to be made but every spouse, significant other, partner, you are drawn to, get rid of?  No.  Maybe you and she/he should have waited till you were older to make a pair, maybe you should not have married because someone got pregnant out of wedlock, maybe you should not have married because you had achieved everything else, why not do the marriage thing? Maybe you should have learned to love, respect, live happy by yourself, and financially be able to support yourself before hooking up, and moving in with this woman or man. Maybe you needed parents or someone to teach you this in a nurturing home environment.  Maybe most of us did not have this, so now we begin again.

There is always more than one way to the top of every mountain, and when it comes to couples and especially couples with children, splitting up is not the first choice and definitely not healthy for these children.  Children will learn more from watching parents work things out to deal with a difficult situation than a good one, life has bumps, no getting around this. Unfortunately humans learn more from the hard times than the good. Children love their bio parents and want them to be together regardless of the relationship between mother and father.  This longing of the children is there for a reason. It is a wake up call for someone to stand up, speak up, and take the reins because this ship is definitely going off course.

Sometimes you lead in a relationship, sometimes you follow, it is a dance of life.

Thankful to have a father that taught me to lead, and a brother that had my back, when I was weak, it saved my marriage, it saved my life.

Image result for sometimes you lead sometimes you follow

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