Saturday, March 3, 2018

Getting Away from The Wrong Circle of Influence, I'm Out!

Every day I have a choice.  I can fill my days with reading what I choose, I can fill my mind with considering thoughts dumped on me by family, social media, friends, people in the workplace, or I can go to the life I dream of where there is peace.  Every moment I can choose.

I'm not looking for utopia on earth with fellow humans, I do not believe this possible. I'm looking to work and live among like minded people. People who don't focus on their flaws, anger, missed opportunities, or regrets but people who are real. People who are not hiding behind making excuses for themselves or others, especially family and friends that made mistakes, but looking life in the eye and saying. "These flaws are not my flaws, these problems are not my problems, and allowing myself to help when possible without sacrificing my own happiness and well being."

I'm learning to step away from conversations that have no definitive answer but turns into, "I say, you say..." To think I have the only way to solve the problems of the world is asinine.  It takes two to fight and two to make peaceful relations, killing one another is not the answer.  My Marine son saw this first hand while in active battle in service.  My father use to tell me this, "It takes two to fight. Only one to walk away for peace."

So I see too many moments I let things rile me up that I cannot change...other people's viewpoints and opinions streaming on media.  So I will step back, focus on what makes me feel productive, writing my first book, what I bring to the world to help others, teaching my one way, (not the only way) how to control thoughts to gain inner peace, my purpose and passion...and look for purposeful, passionate, unselfish, kind, giving people like myself.  I'm stepping away for peace of my mind.

Lisa Nichols wrote in her book, "You don't discover passion, you uncover it."

I'm interested in people that are uncovering their own passion and focused there. Stepping away from the world that gets caught up in contracted, cyclic, negative, thinking.... Today? I'm out!

Thankful to see clearer every day the path to inner peace through study.
Image result for not my circus not my monkeys


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