Thursday, March 8, 2018

Call Me Crazy, but...

This is how simple I is a snow covered tree day, I live in the woods...I have taken off from my work one here but Sweetheart and cats...

You know what this means?  I can walk on my treadmill, pet my cats for free love, lift free weights to stretch out, my personal chef will serve me while I write my book all day, get dressed or not, shower and relax while listening to music and write, literally chillaxin...

Life is good. I am thankful to live here and have eyes to see the black, white, gray, brown, world outside every window in every room I go... and deer.

This is a perfect day.

Most of all I'm thankful to have a man and children that love me and I adore then.

Image result for snow covered woods with deer

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