Monday, March 5, 2018

Fairy Floss

Looking out our back deck at the snow melting off the glass top table I see icey drips froze in midair reminding me of the cotton candy drips attached to the sides of the cotton candy machine at the country fair. I used to go to these fairs as a teenager with my boyfriend.  This candy amazed me. How was it made? Who discovered it? Today I would find out.

Crazy enough the machine was made by Gold Medal (Flour) but the air spun candy was invented by a dentist and a candy man.  Although there are people who said this kind of thread like candy was first made in the 15th century it was not until the machine age that it became widely known.  It was first made popular at the World's Fair in 1904.

The sugar is poured into a center bowl that heats and melts it, spins it out through miniature holes and is caught on the walls of an outer bowl to be scooped onto a stick.  Who the heck would think of such a thing?  I'm still looking to find how it was discovered, spun air candy? Come on!

This like my other question, who the heck would take an egg and fry it, and eat it?  Who was hungry enough to do that? And what gave the idea to heat it up first? Maybe there are aliens among us putting ideas in our head after all. This sounds crazy.

Other countries have their own version of cotton candy such as:

Iran - Pashmak

Turkey - Pismaniye

India -  Sohan papdi

China - Dragon's Beard

Korea - Kkul-tarae

If I were to sell this, I think I would like to become an artist of it like this Chinese street vendor. Has anyone else notice that the Chinese can make an art out of anything they do? And they are quite detailed in their art work. Beautiful art in China.

My favorite color and flavor is pink vanilla.  Melts in your mouth, not in your hand, well sometimes it does on a hot humid day. As much fun to watch being made as it is to eat.

Thankful to see how cotton candy is made on YouTube.

Image result for cotton candy flower

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